The ten day meme (day 6)
14 years ago
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession
ferix666, I still laugh about the way we first met, and I am always happy it happened that way. He is the light in my heart that keeps me warm in even the most cold winter. And it cheers me up that we have such a good bond, and it just gets better and better. If you ask me about ferix, then you should know that I will always try to be with him, like shepherds love and protect their beloved.
2. My father: It's not always easy between him and me, but I do say that I wouldn't wish any other father. He is the best dad you can wish to have. And I always will try to put a smile on his face. I love him, I really do.
3. Wouter: We have been friends for, like what: 10 years? I can't even remember how long exactly. He has always been there for me and be so open towards me. He has been there for me in prosperity and adversity and I am really happy to know him. I really love it to have him as a friend, and I always light up a bit when seeing him.
4. Bert, Jasper and Niek (I know, it's more than one =P ): These three are very good school friends of mine and it was always fun with them on school. Makes me miss the old school a bit. Hanging out with these guys, and I am guaranteed to enjoy! ^^
5. (and to go on a big cheat trip) The dutchfurs which make my life a bit more interesting. There are alot of furs I really like, too much to name actually, but I guess you will know if i am talking about you. ^^
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession

2. My father: It's not always easy between him and me, but I do say that I wouldn't wish any other father. He is the best dad you can wish to have. And I always will try to put a smile on his face. I love him, I really do.
3. Wouter: We have been friends for, like what: 10 years? I can't even remember how long exactly. He has always been there for me and be so open towards me. He has been there for me in prosperity and adversity and I am really happy to know him. I really love it to have him as a friend, and I always light up a bit when seeing him.
4. Bert, Jasper and Niek (I know, it's more than one =P ): These three are very good school friends of mine and it was always fun with them on school. Makes me miss the old school a bit. Hanging out with these guys, and I am guaranteed to enjoy! ^^
5. (and to go on a big cheat trip) The dutchfurs which make my life a bit more interesting. There are alot of furs I really like, too much to name actually, but I guess you will know if i am talking about you. ^^