3 years ago
You are all angels!
Many apologies for my behaviour in recent days. Thanks for the kind, supportive words and for sticking with me!

eh people all have low moments. what matter's is you were able to work through it!

Work in progress. Depression's a funny old thing.

yeah. I admit I've had my moments with depression, but I'm wired different then most people so I've never really fallen to the levels I've seen other's too. Helped a few friends try to navigate it so... I know it's not easy and is a constant work in progress, but never let yourself think you can't ask your friends for help. Hell just talking or doing stuff together can help out for most.

It’s no problem. We all have had those days where things get to be too much and we just lose it. Just as long as you’re okay, or at least somewhat okay now.

It's all good man. We all get that from time to time.

nawww it's all okay, it happens, no worry :3 *snugs the fotter*

offers big friendly dragon hugs to make you feel better