Sepp Blatter apologise for refereeing mistakes.

Sepp Blatter is a cock and should be fired from FIFA, we also don't give a shit about his pathetic attempt of an apology!!!

Mexico who were completely outplaying Argentina untill they scored and as a result has screwed them out of a place in the quarter final of a world cup.
We don't want his apologizes, we want some video-assisted referees, at least to telle if the ball went in or not.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I would not be surprised if this man ended up dead in the near future.

No he doesn't work for a Columbian drug cartel so a little minor brusing and he'll be good as new
He did explicitly say that he'll reopen the discussion about electronic goal monitoring. What a douche.

Frankly, I think he should be asked to step aside and make room for someone who may be open to innovation.

Here's another take on it:

Yeah he'll reopen discussions, decide they won't use it because it cost to much money and then close discussions untill it happens again, and then he'll keep repeating that process.

Even though it wasn't too expensive to design a new ball which also happened to use up to date technology, even though it turned out to be shit and ruined any chance of decent free kicks and long range goals.

You see apparently FIFA are there to ruin football and not improve it!!
It's not Blatter's fault that none of the companies developing goal monitoring technology has offered enough kickback cash to convince Seppl of the benefits of their product.
Do you really though Fifa would claim on its official website that the ref made a mistake ?


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Is that the "only" thing he's apologizing for? Let's get out the list...


It's good to be the king...
Thanks a lot, Sepp....:rolleyes: