Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Yeah I was aware it wasn't in the wiki, wasn't sure if it just wasn't documented. Feels silly to not have NPCs work the same way though, so I just hacked it into the html. Think it should work

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Because I like the idea of all of the slaves not being mind broken, and I also wanted to get some benefits from the passive charisma growth. However getting affection to undying seems to require bondage, and that often drops them to negative will. WRT the options you've listed out

  • Encouraging is pretty time consuming
  • Pure NPCs are somewhat hard to come by
  • The courses are fine but prevent the NPC from doing anything else
  • The secret garden is a feminist trait trap, and can only affect 1 NPC, and isn't very reliable (I've tried)
  • Lecturing is OK, just time consuming and you basically need to preach to the entire household unless you want to really micromanage your followers.
  • Not really scalable
  • Mine is at 200, doesn't always seem to help.
I also tried to leverage the willpower anchor of the head maid, but for stat reasons mine is Amelia and she seems to hemmorage will from her submissive trait, so a way to shore her up seemed beneficial.

I may try to lean into this more. Maybe try to get my head maid to learn the warrior trait from philosophy and my new atheist hack.

There are very few ways to insure increase in stats reliably quickly. If your emancipation is a 200 but willpower is dropping like flies then that is your fault for creating an environment within your household that such a high emancipation is having no effect on your slaves.

You play the game badly I hate to say, 'git gud' but seriously? You have a headmaid with submission and wonder why you suffer from willpower drops. So you are choosing to deliberately swim up stream and then complain that the methods of gaining willpower are [insert excuse here]. You are not showing the game's deeper gameplay the respect it deserves so your results are poor based on stated goals.

This game isn't about polarized code where if your pure stat is high that means your perversion stat is low. This is doubly true with household stats. You can have badfester and goodfester variables increase and that means that RNG is going to move your house in one direction or another based on the weight of your household stats plus the events that character traits can have plus the interactions that you make in the household. Also if your demoralization is high then it wont make a difference what your emancipation high is because they will be working against each other and losing willpower is easier than gaining willpower. Just like losing affection and happiness is easier than gaining it so you need to plan. Corruption also creates issues because corrupt people turns previously good traits to increase willpower to not so much like feminism.

Feminism trait on a corrupt slave works to corrupt more slaves which reduces your purity score which reduces willpower gains. Feminism trait on a corrupt slave will suddenly stop supplying emancipation points or a low willpower feminist. Advocates will work the same as well. If they're too corrupted and have low willpower they will work to make other girls around them the same.

You have to be willing to do the hard things to get your household stable (stable for you is high willpower)

You have to set a goal for your household, realize this is a slave game with a actual working slave economy, so the natural progress is towards low will slave as that is what slaver NORMALLY want. But if your goal is to increase willpower of your slaves then you need pure slaves to offset negative traits and keep corruption at a bay. This means you have to actively remove slaves with nympho and perversion from the house. You need slaves with advocate and feminist in your household but KNOW these two traits are ticking timebombs if the slave's corruption or willpower get too low.

Your goal is incompatible with collecting uniques and it is even less compatible with collecting uniques quickly. You have to TRAIN and spend MONTHS getting your wives and slave mistresses and head maid up to snuff and you have to start picking these characters not on their stat block but on their traits and then TRAINING them into the idea you want. i would suggest choosing a religion that allows more than one wife. Then you add slaves AS you can manage them AS you have space. And by space i don't mean a vacant bed i mean space in your personal structure to absorb their lower willpower and maybe bad stats.

You are swimming upstream so there is no easy solution you have to take the slow and methodical approach if you want to achieve your goal. The problem isn't with the code it is that you are behaving in conflicting ways and from your whole list of excuses you seem adverse to putting in the work to get the result you want.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
Is anyone at all wondering, that there is more discussion about cheating and out-of-game changing things, than about actual game play? That is usually not a sign for good design if one needs to constantly edit and work around in-build mechanics....
Actually.. not at all. Can be! And in case of lots of porn games it sure is. :HideThePain:

Here? This is more like a classic single player game. And people aaaalways end up cheating in a single player game. Modding a single player game for example is cheating too. Every singleplayer RPG has cheats.

It's natural. Bad design sure begets cheating but every game that imposes choices will create cheats. If you have to choose between stats, people will want to cheat. Every game where you have a combat system will have weapons stats cheats. Godmoding. Character stat cheats.

I play my Skrim with 15 healt/magica/stamina per level up instead of the default 10 just to name one.

I never felt in MoR that cheating is due to bad game design. There are balance issues for sure but cheats here are people wanting their way either sooner or easier and somtimes better than the game would allow. You know, you want your +20 sword in DnD.


Jan 25, 2018
There are very few ways to insure increase in stats reliably quickly. If your emancipation is a 200 but willpower is dropping like flies then that is your fault for creating an environment within your household that such a high emancipation is having no effect on your slaves.

You play the game badly I hate to say, 'git gud' but seriously? You have a headmaid with submission and wonder why you suffer from willpower drops. So you are choosing to deliberately swim up stream and then complain that the methods of gaining willpower are [insert excuse here]. You are not showing the game's deeper gameplay the respect it deserves so your results are poor based on stated goals.

This game isn't about polarized code where if your pure stat is high that means your perversion stat is low. This is doubly true with household stats. You can have badfester and goodfester variables increase and that means that RNG is going to move your house in one direction or another based on the weight of your household stats plus the events that character traits can have plus the interactions that you make in the household. Also if your demoralization is high then it wont make a difference what your emancipation high is because they will be working against each other and losing willpower is easier than gaining willpower. Just like losing affection and happiness is easier than gaining it so you need to plan. Corruption also creates issues because corrupt people turns previously good traits to increase willpower to not so much like feminism.

Feminism trait on a corrupt slave works to corrupt more slaves which reduces your purity score which reduces willpower gains. Feminism trait on a corrupt slave will suddenly stop supplying emancipation points or a low willpower feminist. Advocates will work the same as well. If they're too corrupted and have low willpower they will work to make other girls around them the same.

You have to be willing to do the hard things to get your household stable (stable for you is high willpower)

You have to set a goal for your household, realize this is a slave game with a actual working slave economy, so the natural progress is towards low will slave as that is what slaver NORMALLY want. But if your goal is to increase willpower of your slaves then you need pure slaves to offset negative traits and keep corruption at a bay. This means you have to actively remove slaves with nympho and perversion from the house. You need slaves with advocate and feminist in your household but KNOW these two traits are ticking timebombs if the slave's corruption or willpower get too low.

Your goal is incompatible with collecting uniques and it is even less compatible with collecting uniques quickly. You have to TRAIN and spend MONTHS getting your wives and slave mistresses and head maid up to snuff and you have to start picking these characters not on their stat block but on their traits and then TRAINING them into the idea you want. i would suggest choosing a religion that allows more than one wife. Then you add slaves AS you can manage them AS you have space. And by space i don't mean a vacant bed i mean space in your personal structure to absorb their lower willpower and maybe bad stats.

You are swimming upstream so there is no easy solution you have to take the slow and methodical approach if you want to achieve your goal. The problem isn't with the code it is that you are behaving in conflicting ways and from your whole list of excuses you seem adverse to putting in the work to get the result you want.
Jeeeeesus Christ what climbed up your asshole to make you so ornery? I wasn't going on some tilted rant about how the game is terrible and I need so much handholding or anything like that. I was trying to root cause something I was wrestling with and coming to the game's forum thread to see if people had advice on it. I've been at this for about an in game year, the household is relatively stable, but this one aspect has been something I've been struggling with managing while also having time to advance other aspects of the game. Some of those I'm now looking into, like potentially preaching for a month to the household or giving some dedicated encouragement to disable the submissive trait.

As for the "problem with the code thing?" I DO actually find it to be a gap that apparently devout Atheism can only affect the MC's willpower. Aren't the slaves supposed to be thinking people too for whom that could have the same willpower shift as the main character? So I duplicated the exact same logic as what affects the player to affect other NPCs. Like other traits this isn't an unmitigated good thing, it could certainly drive willpower above what one might want (caps at 100) and would certainly be hard to disable once it gets rolling. (Which might be why the developer didn't implement it).

If I wanted to make everything the way I wanted I'm more than capable of Sugarcubing my way to victory. But I like the game, have been playing it actively for weeks now, and want to make this workable in game. I don't think that means that pointing at gaps in the game's internal logic is somehow out of line.

Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
1.) Badfester does not affect Affection. It affects Happiness and at 214 Contentment and the gazebo with pool, I never had a problem with Happiness. You are thinking of hardfester. That raises fear and lowers affection. The Malevolent trait does not raise hardfester. Dominant and Advocate with low willpower does.
You are wrong. You are doing a cursory surface level analysis and not thinking to second and third order effect. It lowers happiness and low happiness cause increase loss in AFFECTION. And low affection causes fear if you ask a slave to do something they don't want to do but their willpower isn't sufficient to stand up to you. ERGO badfester cause you lose happiness, which causes you to lose affection which causes you to gain fear. That is the natural progression and to think like you do is to think there are only first order effects with this game. There are not.

2.) Malevolent events are disabled on accident ever since the game moved to 083. Never saw them proc. There's code for them but never in 1.9k in-game days did they proc.
Well I have seen them proc and when i look at the code I see multiple situations that lower happiness and affection in the game. (2 or 3) So maybe you are correct but i doubt it because I recall seeing malevolent events myself.

3.) If you think I do not know how to mod this game, you have not been paying attention. Then again, I have not modded this part because badfester is not a problem because it's just happiness loss of -1. The real problem is hardfester and I never had that to begin with because none of my NPCs generate hardfester simply because I'm not an idiot with low willpower advocates and Sofia is always on a fast track for Neuraclean.
You are the one complaining about your household results and you are the one that can't seem to manage your slaves to get the results you want. You are the one that doesn't understand that there are second and third order effects to variables so yeah you are are master at everything you do.

4.) Malevolent is a combat advantage and I have one of the most combat oriented household.
it hardly does anything ~roll eyes~ at best a few points of damage who cares! brawler & warrior are a better combo. Do not pretend that it makes a huge difference it doesn't, your strength will matter more that the trait, And given that you can now capture multiple slaves per fight range is less important than melee. so getting +8 damage vs +13 damage doesn't make a whole lot of difference with these two examples of bonus damage via traits. Lets not pretend your malevolent roster is a a combat machine. It isn't and almost any group of 4 NPCs with brawler and warrior can be trained to be as good as your malevolent team, such that you wont see the difference in the game.

5.) I wonder what makes you think I have a malevolent head maid when it's just the Dunham girl spec'd for domestic. Or a malevolent wife for that matter. I wish Kelly was malevolent on top of being a Crackshot. She has 270 Ranged combat stats (thanks to a long gone exploit) and 300 DEX. She would be my best female combatant. Well, she kinda still is but Vallas is damn close.
I believe i ASKED you if this was the case forgive me for not being all knowing and just kenning the stats of everything in your game. I feel so foolish asking questions, I should have KNOWN the truth before asking. Please oh great player and modder forgive my foolish ways.

It's called having the strongest NPC in the game. What negative effects. There are none. Badfester is such a nothing burger and whatever willpower drain is happening in my house is not even a thing when my girls are at 40 willpower. I just think the willpower drain in my house is such an interesting phenomenon to discuss. It's not something I need help with.
There are no negative effect to the way i play except my household generates fear and i don't understand it but i assure you that i know that NOTHING I am doing is causing this! there are no negative effects.

Sure okay bud you are a master at the game your strongest NPC that does 5 extra damage which I am guessing is what 8% extra damage than without it and even less on a crit? WOW! Your "strongest" NPC is such that it doesn't make a difference. And it seems like you are whipping your cock out in a dick measuring contest for the "strongest" NPC in the game for a single player game seems really give off insecure energy to me.

Ayy lmao, it's actually 15 now. Who was the latest I wonder.

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You are the one that is getting results you complained about. (oh I know you are going to say you were not complaining because you are a god of MoR to us mortals) You are the one that doesn't seem to understand the idea of second and third order consequences. And this game is all about multiple layers of variables influencing each other.

But hey you have the best household in the game, with the strongest NPC in the game with a complete grasp of the game. Who is a modding genius. i am just a hack who magically knows that happiness and affection are connected and that obviously must be a crazed idea on my part because i didn't even know what your slave stats were i had to ask if you had a malevolent wife or head maid. Just shameful on my part.

Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Is anyone at all wondering, that there is more discussion about cheating and out-of-game changing things, than about actual game play? That is usually not a sign for good design if one needs to constantly edit and work around in-build mechanics....
i actually like the game play and mechanics. Most of my modding is turning male NPCs into female hotties. Does this mean the game sucks because it has male NPCs? obviously not hence the flaw in your logic. Also many people have played the game multiple times and want to accelerate past pervious early game content they have played the most to new mid to late game content they have played the least. Does that mean the game's not engaging enough? Id don't think so because people want to explore that new content they obviously like it. This is suffering from what all 'early access' game suffer from, over playing of the early game as that is the content people repeat over and over again waiting for new content to arrive.

Some people want fantasy fulfillment and tweaking NPCs can do that for them. Does this mean the mechanics are not worth playing? Or does it say that people like the game enough that they want to mod the game to give them even more of what they want? I don't think it is a bad thing that people mod games. A healthy modding community usually means a game has longer life because people like the game. Is skyrim a bad game because if has over 100,000 mods with over 6 billion downloads?

Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Jeeeeesus Christ what climbed up your asshole to make you so ornery? I wasn't going on some tilted rant about how the game is terrible and I need so much handholding or anything like that. I was trying to root cause something I was wrestling with and coming to the game's forum thread to see if people had advice on it. I've been at this for about an in game year, the household is relatively stable, but this one aspect has been something I've been struggling with managing while also having time to advance other aspects of the game. Some of those I'm now looking into, like potentially preaching for a month to the household or giving some dedicated encouragement to disable the submissive trait.

As for the "problem with the code thing?" I DO actually find it to be a gap that apparently devout Atheism can only affect the MC's willpower. Aren't the slaves supposed to be thinking people too for whom that could have the same willpower shift as the main character? So I duplicated the exact same logic as what affects the player to affect other NPCs. Like other traits this isn't an unmitigated good thing, it could certainly drive willpower above what one might want (caps at 100) and would certainly be hard to disable once it gets rolling. (Which might be why the developer didn't implement it).

If I wanted to make everything the way I wanted I'm more than capable of Sugarcubing my way to victory. But I like the game, have been playing it actively for weeks now, and want to make this workable in game. I don't think that means that pointing at gaps in the game's internal logic is somehow out of line.
If i made it sound like I thought you modding the game to give you the atheist effects you wanted that was wrong, then my bad and not what i intended to say or imply. I am a firm believer of people playing how they want. So you mod the game you want to play. i support people modding the game anyway they want. mea culpa.

I'm sorry but making a head maid with the submissive trait and trying to find the cause of your willpower drops seems like you don't have a grasp of the basics. Am I wrong that this should have been the obvious culprit? It seems like they most obvious place to look, your slaves jobs and positions/titles. Even the description of the title tells you that other servants and slaves willpower will be affected based on the head maid's willpower. Should this really have been a month long hunt?

Wouldn't a head maid prone to corruption increases and willpower drops cause a cascade effect? It seems obvious. Wouldn't this be a timebomb that as you lost high willpower advocates and feminists that this would increase until you got low willpower feminists and Advocates working against you by either causing corruption which lowers purity and purity helps with willpower or advocates just encouraging people to submit lowering willpower. This means very easy to foresee with just a bit of thinking about second and third order consequences.

And you were complaining about most of the methods the wiki stated for increasing willpower. That can be easily be mistaken as general crying over the games mechanics. There were multiple options and you poo pooed most of them while it appeared you had no idea a submissive headmaid would cause you problems based on your desired goal.

So yeah i said git gud because if felt like you were pissing into the wind and complaining about getting wet. This is a power politics game with an actual slave economy and in-depth slave mechanics, the general "pull" of the game is to create submissive slaves not strong willed slaves. So you set yourself up a bit here... The headmaid issue, the not knowing why that would cause a problem long term and get worse and progressively worse over time and complaining about the solutions I gave you via the wiki.

As for the atheist mod I think you did good work there as you found the code and tweaked it to what you wanted. And if it works then that is all anyone can ask for with a modification.


Jan 25, 2018
If i made it sound like I thought you modding the game to give you the atheist effects you wanted that was wrong, then my bad and not what i intended to say or imply. I am a firm believer of people playing how they want. So you mod the game you want to play. i support people modding the game anyway they want. mea culpa.

I'm sorry but making a head maid with the submissive trait and trying to find the cause of your willpower drops seems like you don't have a grasp of the basics. Am I wrong that this should have been the obvious culprit? It seems like they most obvious place to look, your slaves jobs and positions/titles. Even the description of the title tells you that other servants and slaves willpower will be affected based on the head maid's willpower. Should this really have been a month long hunt?

Wouldn't a head maid prone to corruption increases and willpower drops cause a cascade effect? It seems obvious. Wouldn't this be a timebomb that as you lost high willpower advocates and feminists that this would increase until you got low willpower feminists and Advocates working against you by either causing corruption which lowers purity and purity helps with willpower or advocates just encouraging people to submit lowering willpower. This means very easy to foresee with just a bit of thinking about second and third order consequences.

And you were complaining about most of the methods the wiki stated for increasing willpower. That can be easily be mistaken as general crying over the games mechanics. There were multiple options and you poo pooed most of them while it appeared you had no idea a submissive headmaid would cause you problems based on your desired goal.

So yeah i said git gud because if felt like you were pissing into the wind and complaining about getting wet. This is a power politics game with an actual slave economy and in-depth slave mechanics, the general "pull" of the game is to create submissive slaves not strong willed slaves. So you set yourself up a bit here... The headmaid issue, the not knowing why that would cause a problem long term and get worse and progressively worse over time and complaining about the solutions I gave you via the wiki.

As for the atheist mod I think you did good work there as you found the code and tweaked it to what you wanted. And if it works then that is all anyone can ask for with a modification.
Well to be clear the head maid issue was one I had been trying to mitigate prior to that. I didn't have a very large household and I was trying to capitalize on the fact that the head maid can spread discipline to everyone else, and she was the only household member that could really fit that bill. I actually spent a few in game weeks purely sermon'ing her up to about 40 willpower, which just didn't last as long as I was hoping it would.

If I sounded like I was complaining about every suggestion I didn't mean it to come off that way, I was just trying to directly engage with the helpful feedback I was getting and did so in list form. I'm somewhat burned out on the at times excessive/tedious busy work that can often make time in the day and your own patience the most limiting resource, and maybe that came through in my comment. (Looking at you cigar room. Four hours a day for 10 days for a single stat point?)


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
i actually like the game play and mechanics. Most of my modding is turning male NPCs into female hotties. Does this mean the game sucks because it has male NPCs? obviously not hence the flaw in your logic. Also many people have played the game multiple times and want to accelerate past pervious early game content they have played the most to new mid to late game content they have played the least. Does that mean the game's not engaging enough? Id don't think so because people want to explore that new content they obviously like it. This is suffering from what all 'early access' game suffer from, over playing of the early game as that is the content people repeat over and over again waiting for new content to arrive.

Some people want fantasy fulfillment and tweaking NPCs can do that for them. Does this mean the mechanics are not worth playing? Or does it say that people like the game enough that they want to mod the game to give them even more of what they want? I don't think it is a bad thing that people mod games. A healthy modding community usually means a game has longer life because people like the game. Is skyrim a bad game because if has over 100,000 mods with over 6 billion downloads?
I was not referring to modding, but the sheer amount of requests for 'code to change this or that...'. I believe there is a distinct difference between modding and cheating. A mod adds something that isnt there in the first place or makes something behave different, if it already exists. Cheating tries to circumvent a mechanic to achieve a certain result.


Oct 24, 2017
I was not referring to modding, but the sheer amount of requests for 'code to change this or that...'. I believe there is a distinct difference between modding and cheating. A mod adds something that isnt there in the first place or makes something behave different, if it already exists. Cheating tries to circumvent a mechanic to achieve a certain result.
I mean, any game with substantial difficulty will have people asking for cheats, and while the game isn't incredibly difficult or anything it has more difficulty than your average porn game.

In addition, this game is massive in terms of scope and content if you are starting from nothing, grinding your way to the top can take in game years of time easily if you are not taking optimal strategies to blitz through, with this in mind, many players, especially who have done multiple runs over the course of many versions, may want to skip over certain content they have already seen many times, or accelerate or skip over training which they had already went through on many characters.

This isn't indicative of a intrinsically flawed game or whatever, just a game that has been around long enough that not every player wants to build up from the beginning every time they decided they want to explore a new character concept or playstyle.

The majority of codes you are seeing people ask for are things you can change in game with time, effort and grind. And the game is grindy, deliberately so. How much of that is a problem depends entirely on how you view an open world game focused around incremental progress, a lot of players just don't have tolerance for that kind of thing as well, exacerbating the issue.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
You are wrong. You are doing a cursory surface level analysis and not thinking to second and third order effect. It lowers happiness and low happiness cause increase loss in AFFECTION. And low affection causes fear if you ask a slave to do something they don't want to do but their willpower isn't sufficient to stand up to you. ERGO badfester cause you lose happiness, which causes you to lose affection which causes you to gain fear. That is the natural progression and to think like you do is to think there are only first order effects with this game. There are not.

Well I have seen them proc and when i look at the code I see multiple situations that lower happiness and affection in the game. (2 or 3) So maybe you are correct but i doubt it because I recall seeing malevolent events myself.

You are the one complaining about your household results and you are the one that can't seem to manage your slaves to get the results you want. You are the one that doesn't understand that there are second and third order effects to variables so yeah you are are master at everything you do.

it hardly does anything ~roll eyes~ at best a few points of damage who cares! brawler & warrior are a better combo. Do not pretend that it makes a huge difference it doesn't, your strength will matter more that the trait, And given that you can now capture multiple slaves per fight range is less important than melee. so getting +8 damage vs +13 damage doesn't make a whole lot of difference with these two examples of bonus damage via traits. Lets not pretend your malevolent roster is a a combat machine. It isn't and almost any group of 4 NPCs with brawler and warrior can be trained to be as good as your malevolent team, such that you wont see the difference in the game.

I believe i ASKED you if this was the case forgive me for not being all knowing and just kenning the stats of everything in your game. I feel so foolish asking questions, I should have KNOWN the truth before asking. Please oh great player and modder forgive my foolish ways.

There are no negative effect to the way i play except my household generates fear and i don't understand it but i assure you that i know that NOTHING I am doing is causing this! there are no negative effects.

Sure okay bud you are a master at the game your strongest NPC that does 5 extra damage which I am guessing is what 8% extra damage than without it and even less on a crit? WOW! Your "strongest" NPC is such that it doesn't make a difference. And it seems like you are whipping your cock out in a dick measuring contest for the "strongest" NPC in the game for a single player game seems really give off insecure energy to me.

You are the one that is getting results you complained about. (oh I know you are going to say you were not complaining because you are a god of MoR to us mortals) You are the one that doesn't seem to understand the idea of second and third order consequences. And this game is all about multiple layers of variables influencing each other.

But hey you have the best household in the game, with the strongest NPC in the game with a complete grasp of the game. Who is a modding genius. i am just a hack who magically knows that happiness and affection are connected and that obviously must be a crazed idea on my part because i didn't even know what your slave stats were i had to ask if you had a malevolent wife or head maid. Just shameful on my part.
1.) No. Happiness is actually in equilibrium in my house. I never had affection drops. There is however a stronger affection decay this patch,; that decay is functionally stopped once your NPC reaches 116 Affection. That might be causing your affection drops and you attribute it to happiness when it's just the in-built mechanics :unsure:

2.) I'm not complaining about my household. They are managed pretty well. More than well in fact. I just said there's a funny willpower drain for anyone below 30 willpower. And it is not tied to badfester. And that it might be affecting other people's accounts too.

3.) Without the unconscious training exploit, I do not think anyone can train a random NPC to be as good as a fully trained 0 exploits Cassius Bauer or Clea Vallas. Best you can do is create a dodge tank. Given the enemies of Aria's Rebellion, a dodge tank will excel vs the warmasters and possibly fall to the Bofors and the minigun enemies. Should still be doable however especially now that spells are a thing, NPCs can access level 2 health implants as opposed to only level 1 back then, and Vallas exists now to ensure the death of the 70/70 soak APC with her Liberator trait.
Last edited:


May 30, 2020
I missed out on the Stormchild and the Dixon girl because I didn't know they were unique encounters. Is there anyway to use console command to re-encounter them?
Apr 4, 2023
Is anyone at all wondering, that there is more discussion about cheating and out-of-game changing things, than about actual game play? That is usually not a sign for good design if one needs to constantly edit and work around in-build mechanics....
Actually.. not at all. Can be! And in case of lots of porn games it sure is. :HideThePain:

Here? This is more like a classic single player game. And people aaaalways end up cheating in a single player game. Modding a single player game for example is cheating too. Every singleplayer RPG has cheats.

It's natural. Bad design sure begets cheating but every game that imposes choices will create cheats. If you have to choose between stats, people will want to cheat. Every game where you have a combat system will have weapons stats cheats. Godmoding. Character stat cheats.

I play my Skrim with 15 healt/magica/stamina per level up instead of the default 10 just to name one.

I never felt in MoR that cheating is due to bad game design. There are balance issues for sure but cheats here are people wanting their way either sooner or easier and somtimes better than the game would allow. You know, you want your +20 sword in DnD.
I think it's fair to say that the game design is a *grind* game design. Some people think that's bad (like me) and others love it. There are only a handful of people posting in this thread, so we have no way to know what the general masses think.

I will say that the extremely hard and grindy mode exists as an option for this game, so probably a lot of people like it.

What is really bad is the players who don't want to grind but then refuse to learn how to make the game not grindy and instead just complain that things aren't how they like it. Devs don't have infinite time, and editing save files isn't hard. Editing code takes a bit more work, but if you really care it's there to mess with.
Apr 4, 2023
Some people want fantasy fulfillment and tweaking NPCs can do that for them. Does this mean the mechanics are not worth playing? Or does it say that people like the game enough that they want to mod the game to give them even more of what they want? I don't think it is a bad thing that people mod games. A healthy modding community usually means a game has longer life because people like the game.
I quit following games that have devs or code structure that discourages modding. Better to spend the same time to make my own game instead than that.
Apr 4, 2023
I missed out on the Stormchild and the Dixon girl because I didn't know they were unique encounters. Is there anyway to use console command to re-encounter them?
I think stormchild is just resetting the variable for encountering her. She'll be the first NPC you can buy at the market when the "a storm is raging outside" event happens. If I remember right, it won't *say* she's the stormchild at the market. You have to look at her traits after you buy her.

I don't know who the Dixon girl is. Honestly I've spent so much of my time making custom characters the past few weeks that I don't remember most of the Story NPC names.

Edit: Wiki says Dixon is Av106 from
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May 30, 2020
I think stormchild is just resetting the variable for encountering her. She'll be the first NPC you can buy at the market when the "a storm is raging outside" event happens. If I remember right, it won't *say* she's the stormchild at the market. You have to look at her traits after you buy her.

I don't know who the Dixon girl is. Honestly I've spent so much of my time making custom characters the past few weeks that I don't remember most of the Story NPC names.
Thank you for the quick response. If you don't mind me asking, what is the console command to reset the encounter variable for the stormchild?

Also, the Dixon girl I'm referring to
Apr 4, 2023
Thank you for the quick response. If you don't mind me asking, what is the console command to reset the encounter variable for the stormchild?

Also, the Dixon girl I'm referring to
<<if $aback is 6 and $aback5 is 7 and $stormchild is undefined and _nocapt isnot true>><<set $adisplay to 201>><<set $ran_int+=random(30, 60)>><<set $ran_dex+=random(40, 60)>><<set $stormchild to 1>><<set $ran_willpower+=10>><<set $aback4 to either(3, 4, 12, 18, 16, 20, 21)>><<set $aage to random(18, 25)>><</if>>

Not seeing Dixon yet
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Oct 10, 2017
Thank you for the quick response. If you don't mind me asking, what is the console command to reset the encounter variable for the stormchild?

Also, the Dixon girl I'm referring to
SugarCube.State.variables.stormchild = undefined
SugarCube.State.variables.averytwin = undefined
(..because i'm simply amazing, i looked up the Dixon's girl code too)
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Apr 4, 2023
SugarCube.State.variables.stormchild = undefined
SugarCube.State.variables.averytwin = undefined
(..because i'm simply amazing, i looked up the Dixon's girl code too)
There's also this below, so I wasn't entirely sure which was needed because it's been a while

<<if _averystop is true and $adisplay isnot 201>>
<<set $aback to -21>>
<<set $aback4 to 37>>
<<set $aage to 18>>
<<set $ran_beauty+=20>>
<<set $avalue+=6>>
<<set $adisplay to 106>>
<<set _lastname to "Dixon">>

Edit: Oh duh, 201 is stormchlid. *facepalm*

Edit 2 for if curious; code for -21:

<<if $aback is -21>>Alright. Silence! This cute little thing here comes from an uppity family in Whitehaven. Her dad got purged after siding with Miss Aria Bianchi and his entire family ended up on the market. We just sold one of Mr. Dixon's daughters to Dockgrave. I bet $aname here is the lucky one (laughter)!<</if>>


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
There's also this below, so I wasn't entirely sure which was needed because it's been a while
I found it through search Stormchild and seeing whats the keyword before something defined or undefined since i know the stormchild code, it was posted before but nobody posted the dixon girl's.

Then i searched dixon and found the slaver's monologue when selling her and the code of her event was close and checked what's written where stormchild was written at the stormchild event code. And it was Averytwin. Tested it.. worked. So now this is solved as well if later someone asks.
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