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Dec 25, 2023 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
It looks like this Ichiro drama is finally over as Migi and Dali gets over this complex case. Dali unfortunately took physical damage. However, Migi ensures that he will be there for him and that the two co-exist together.

This episode definitely added emotional value to both main leads. Imo, it's an episode that highlights the importance of Dali and Migi's relatiionship after everything that they've been through.
Dec 25, 2023 5:28 AM

Dec 2021
Merry Christmas, Migi and Dali.

A family's house burned down, the case was resolved, and gradually, life returned to normal. The same should have been true for Migi and Dali, but there was one difference. Due to injuries from the fire at the family's house, Dali couldn't reveal itself as a secret bird anymore. Dali declared that from now on, it would live as a shadow to Migi. On the other hand, Migi expressed a desire to live not just as a "secret bird" but as "Migi" and "Dali." Amidst this, Christmas arrived in the village of Oregon.

You know, it dawned on me that they probably figured out there were two of them all along, just by observing how they dressed and acted. I mean, they're not dumb; initially, they might have brushed it off as just their imagination playing tricks on them. But that Christmas gift, that was their way of acknowledging both of them. And seriously, when they're asleep, do you really think the parents don't sneak in to check on them? It's that kind of deep parental love. Although, I kinda thought Migi, being all lovey-dovey, would end up with Akiyama's older sister because she looks so much like Sali.

No matter how far the two are, their hearts are one. No matter how far apart they are from one another.

Though it doesn't quite measure up to Nami-sensei's (may she rest in peace) other work, like Sakamoto desu ga?, it's still a delightful journey.

Dec 25, 2023 5:28 AM

Jul 2017
It's Christmas in Origon Village, but the festivities definitely were disrupted by the fact thatEiji set fire to the Ichijos' house and caused his adoptive mother and Micchan's death. Even together with Maruta's surprisingly unburnt tape and his father Akira's defense for Eiji to be given a lighter sentence that'll keep him locked out of society, and both Maruta and Karen's relationship became a long-distance one, how is Migi and Dali doing?

The twin brothers are still acting the same as they've ever been in the Sonoyamas, but with Dali's scar, it'll be very hard for the brothers to sustain their secret any longer. However, Dali can shadow Migi in terms of intelligence and athletics which soon makes him the school's darling...that to Akiyama, he now knows the truth between the twin brothers' destitution — not to live as Hitori, but Migi and Dali.

The Christmas festivities extend to the Sonoyama family, which Migi is elated about Santa's presents to be shared with Dali. His nightmare about Migi having a lover, and being abandoned alone, he doesn't want that. The present split into two, and it seems like the Sonoyamas have figured out that Hitori is the sum of two people that they're happy to meet...but not Dali, which this is the fact that he and Migi now feels different from each other. Despite that, Migi wants to share his happiness with Dali, which they finally come face to face with the Sonoyamas as twin brothers, celebrating together as a family. Not gonna lie, this is the moment where tears are shed, finally being a full family with the dogs together.

Turning time in the future to March 1993, everyone aged quite finely, Akiyama and Maruta included. Making cherry pie together (with Micchan's spirit lingering) and inviting the Ichijo family back for a time together, Dali still having to pose as a girl in front of Eiji after his release, it's quite the hilarity. The last thing to do is for Eiji to pay his respects to Metry, and Migi and Dali moving out of Origon Village...or rather, just Dali, they've begun to separate and create lives of their own.

No matter how far they may be from each other, their hearts are one.

What a finale to come out on Christmas, seems like the anime was planned to the very meticulous and fine detail. A great adaptation overall.

In loving memory of Nami Sano, Rest in Peace dear mangaka, for you have been exonerated and praised on high.
KANLen09Dec 25, 2023 6:56 AM
Dec 25, 2023 7:08 AM

Aug 2020

i had something in my eyes during the episode and i finished it with the smile

it was a good way to end this anime.

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Dec 25, 2023 7:18 AM
Sep 2021
That was a very good ending for the series, a happy ending indeed done very well.
Dec 25, 2023 7:28 AM
Sep 2015
The late author Sano Nami gives her last Christmas present to the world, and I think this anime deserved to be seen as much as her previous work, Sakamoto. In fact, I think Migi & Dali is her best work.
Dec 25, 2023 7:35 AM

Dec 2021
I thought they would've "convenienced away" the scar, but they really stuck with the permanent identifier of who is Migi and who is Dali (Besides the hair and voice). But that halfway point, of the Sonoyama's finally dropping the veil of ignorance, and just accepting Migi and Dali's independence as two people is so cathartic. Especially seeing both of them sit down at the table, together, in the open. Everything the two worked their asses off for, and it pays off. The payoff was so damn good. Seeing the two stop trying to be the same person, and letting themselves drift into two separate people is so satisfying as well, not just drifting apart, but drifting together. Also, Micchan gets her screen time too, since she more than deserved it. And Maruta... damn, seems like Karen chose the right guy after all.

Nami Sano, you didn't get to see it, but your final manga got the perfect adaptation. You may not have put out much, but what you did put out was nothing short of a miracle, both as manga, and now both as anime. Have a good rest, you deserved it.
Dec 25, 2023 8:21 AM
Sep 2016
Great series. Hilarous and even touching. The world is much poorer for having lost Nami Sano's absurdist, off-beat humor.
Dec 25, 2023 8:30 AM
Mar 2023
This anime was so good, it had a happy ending and everything.
Dec 25, 2023 8:57 AM
Nov 2015
a true short masterpiece ...
Dec 25, 2023 9:51 AM

Dec 2022
honestly i watched it after seeing the twins switch places in a YouTube video but ended up enjoying it a lot more dalis nightmare was really something it showed us that he really didn't think it through and i have to wonder for how long the old couple knew the secret
Dec 25, 2023 10:16 AM

Mar 2016
I'm not crying, you are crying!
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Dec 25, 2023 10:48 AM

Aug 2018
It's rare that an anime can deliver such a complete story in just one cour. The mystery was resolved well, every major character showed significant growth and development, and the ending managed to wrap up every loose end. I actually got pretty attached to the characters by the end. Shame it's been so criminally overlooked, this was a masterclass in storytelling.
Dec 25, 2023 11:03 AM

Feb 2020
Merry Christmas to everyone

Thank you for everything Nami Sano.
Dec 25, 2023 11:58 AM
Jul 2019
RIP Nami-Sensei. Thank you for Migi & Dali.
Dec 25, 2023 12:07 PM

Sep 2013
10/10 ending for a criminally underrated show, it was too much emotions for me, especially when most stories leave me with a heart of cold this hit right in the heart and it hit really hard

also that finale scene with micchan was incredible

best story of automn no doubt
Deep dark fantasies
Dec 25, 2023 12:59 PM
Apr 2020
That was an amazing ride brilliant finale.
It was pretty weird at the beginning but i fell in love these two and this just show became one of my favourites.....

Rip nami sano sensei thanks for providing us this gem will stay in my heart forever
Dec 25, 2023 3:07 PM
Feb 2018
This is a Masterpiece. I cried si much
Dec 25, 2023 4:01 PM

Jun 2016
A masterpiece, may the author Nami Sano rest in peace.
Dec 25, 2023 4:44 PM
Oct 2023
I cried at the end. The anime has some very complicated things to accept, the author presented a story full of mystery and developed it into an almost romantic comedy in the end.
Dec 25, 2023 4:52 PM

Mar 2019
I thought it was a bit strange when the parents already knew there were 2, but it was okay lol.
Other than that, it was a very fun anime to watch, it had a very different premise and in the midst of this bunch of animes that are more of the same that are released, this is always great, I also liked the fact that it had a closed ending in just 13 episodes, I don't think that a story like this needed to be bigger than that.
It's just a shame the author didn't live to see the adaptation of her work.
Thank you Nami Sano, may you find peace wherever you are.🙏
Dec 25, 2023 5:02 PM

Sep 2020
Left to interpretation my arse, I had forgotten that Micchan stuck around as a helping ghost in the epilogue!
Kudos to the anime staff for producing this great finale and thank you Sano-sensei for creating this fantastic story.
Dec 25, 2023 5:19 PM

Sep 2021
A perfect end to a perfect work.

I love how by the end, Migi was much more mature than Dali, who still couldn't live his "normal" life. But he certainly underestimated the Sonoyamas, as they long knew they were taking care of twins. In fact, they knew Migi and Dali better than they knew themselves. They really are their parents after all!

The post-time skip segment was also just perfect. I love how the Sonoyamas became such a happy family and same goes for the Ichijous! Not to mention the final revival of this show's comedy in Sali's comeback was hillarious! Finally, the conclusion was really emotional too!

Onto the final review. This will be really hard to keep short.

I didn't have particularly high expectations for this show. Not because the premise wasn't good - it was great, in fact. But I really didn't like the author's previous Sakamoto Desu Ga? (though I might actually give it a second try now ^^) and Geek Toys' previous adaptations (Ningen Fushin / DMDP) were underwhelming too.

However, this show once again proved why all those "factors" don't matter. It started climbing the rank bit by bit, even in a season as stacked as this one. I loved it's comedic way of showing the personalities and development of the twins, while deepening the mystery and foreshadowing the coming climax. Then afterwards the stay at the Ichijous, showing just what crazy enemies the twins have. Halloween perfectly pushed the twins' development for the finale. And during all of this, I always knew what I was at, without being able to really say what exactly will happen. But unlike many other shows, it kept it's promise, preseting a fiery finale with the three-way battle between the twins, Reiko and Eiji as "unkown factor". And today's perfect ending of course.
Quick word on the characters - every single one of them had great depth, was unique, while really relatable to real-life and perfectly presented in the story. I'm pretty sure every one of them had their own folder in the author's office.

In the end, this is what I consider a perfect story for 13 episodes. The structure was really thought-out and the author knew exactly what they were doing. Migi to Dali is abseloutly a masterpice, the anime of the season and the anime of the year! 10/10!

Finally - I send my prayers to Nami Sano. I hope you can see how happy your work made me from up in the sky! And I'm really glad you got to finish this masterpiece in your way-to-short life! Thank you so much and may you rest in peace!
Dec 25, 2023 6:17 PM
Oct 2021
extremely underated anime of the season 🫠
My babies, my children, my cutie patooties 😭
i was doing okay until Christmas morning, but then the in memoriam appeared🥲
Dec 25, 2023 6:48 PM
Apr 2021
I loved it SO SO SO much and will truly miss this anime. It was so wonderful seeing them put two and two together and notice there wasn’t just Migi. All the feels! It ended extremely well. A short yet sweet and emotional masterpiece that deserves a higher rating.
BelleamenicoleDec 25, 2023 6:51 PM
Dec 25, 2023 6:57 PM
Crazy Cat Lady

Jun 2012
This was such a cute ending to this anime, I'm glad it ended the way it did.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Dec 25, 2023 8:10 PM
Oct 2014
Absolutely Phenomenal RIP Nami Sano Sensei may u rest well knowing this anime was absolutely amazing , I cried hard at the end I for one wasn't expecting Dali to leave and Migi to stay I then wasn't expecting to to Mii-Chan AND THEN the letter to the late Mangaka my poor eyes are filled with tears 10/10 from me
Dec 25, 2023 8:44 PM

Sep 2018
Bittersweet ending, thought there might be a message for the late Sano Nami, almost teared up. Truly a great series, one of the best one cour series I've ever seen. 10/10.
Dec 25, 2023 9:25 PM
Sep 2023
I actually liked this anime, no season 2 though. That was a deep time skip
Dec 25, 2023 9:33 PM
Jun 2016
Never underestimate the use of a good coda. To really drive home the heart of the finale you don't just defeat the evil or win the day or get the girl. You need to remind people what the story was about in the first place. Which is sometimes something that a final arc struggles with. Overeager to be flashy or dramatic or drastic with some battle of the minds or brawn, it loses sight of the thesis statement.

I found the last few episodes a bit like this. Kind of drastic, out of nowhere, maybe even under-developed? Well I certainly never expected the mystery story to exist in the first place in this strange and off-kilter comedy, but there it was and it needed a conclusion.

This episode really made me appreciate things I never had time to notice fully during the journey (ie murder mystery). Namely the differences between the twins. Fitting how the scar makes it easier to visualize as it becomes more important in the story than ever. It's also fitting how the familiar bond they had with their adoptive parents was much stronger than you realized. They could have remained oblivious doting old geezers till the end but instead won my heart. Even if it was a little bit predictable I didn't expect it to work so well.

It gives us time to consider the fate of Eiji. Even the time skip gives the characters the needed time as well. And I love a good epilogue time skip (FMA Brotherhood *cough* *cough*). It's reassuring NOT just for us - the audience - to know of the character's future well-being but rather so that it can prove to us the future growth the story promised. Knowing it wasn't an empty promise and then showing it will never be unwelcome in my book.
Dec 25, 2023 9:57 PM

Apr 2017
Probably my anime of the season, R.I.P. Sano Nami.
Dec 25, 2023 10:19 PM
Nov 2017
Definitely cried
Dec 25, 2023 10:42 PM
May 2021
Such an underrated anime, this final episode made me emotional man + their timeskip version was also good. That last scene of micchan in the memory of the author was heart touching.
Dec 26, 2023 12:02 AM

Apr 2015
Love the ending. Usually I dislike time-skips but this one was handled really well. The twins got a huge glow-up (and the beaver boy...kinda) and I felt just a tiny bit emotional when it showed how the twins are going their separate ways. And Micchan at the end with the memorial for the author! Beautiful. RIP Sano Nami, thank you for this great work.

This is probably one of the most bizarre anime I've watched in a while, but for the most part the humor is great. Some parts made me uncomfortable, but in a funny-cringe way? Either way, it has a great balance of comedy and horror. Probably unfair given the nature of this show, but my biggest gripe must be how so many parts required suspension of belief, such as how the twins somehow got away with not being discovered at the most dumbest places (i.e. under the dining table). And the parents knowing about the twins make sense but it still felt out of nowhere - probably cause the twins faced no consequences for it - but whatever. Overall, quite an enjoyable watch. Definitely one of the most under-watched shows of the season, alongside My New Boss Is Goofy.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Dec 26, 2023 1:30 AM

Jul 2014
I loved this anime! I'm always in awe how much the atmosphere of Nami Sano's works is reminiscent of 80s-90s shoujo/josei manga. No wonder I fell in love at first sight and anime just kept giving, it was quite eccentric but had plenty of heart behind it. I had no problem with the almost surrealistic approach to it, because it was more written like a literature piece with symbolism.

It's rare to see such narrative genius as Nami Sono, I'm sad that we lost another great author.
Dec 26, 2023 2:14 AM

Jul 2020
Not quite what I'd expected when started watching this, but still really enjoyable and interesting story. I didn't like the supernatural bit at the end of ep. 11 (the ghost of Micchan), it felt very out of place but other than that, the show was consistently good
Dec 26, 2023 2:58 AM

Aug 2016
Holy crap, what a great ending to a great show. Very unique and Sano Nami will be missed.
Dec 26, 2023 3:31 AM

Jan 2017
If this episode could rate more than 5, I would totally give it!
That was one of the best endings I've seen. Also, including Nami Sano's name in the end made me a little emotional, and I'm really happy that Migi and Dali are now following different paths. Wish that Eiji's path were also seen though, but for sure I'll miss that ending song! 😭💕
Dec 26, 2023 4:16 AM

Feb 2021
The last episode still have much of plot-twist XD
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Dec 26, 2023 4:33 AM

Nov 2022
Migi and Dali was one of the hidden gems of this fall season for me. I only started watching the anime because of a clip on Instagram and found the first episode pretty exciting. The characters quickly grew on me and the story itself was quite bizarre, but interesting at the same time. The first few episodes were quite comedy-heavy, so I was surprised that the story got very dark at a certain point, but I actually really liked it. The dynamic between Migi and Dali was quite interesting to watch and I thought their inner conflicts were very well written. The ending we saw in this episode fulfilled all the wishes I had for this anime. The ending is perfect for me. I even shed a few tears because I was so happy to see Migi and Dali each go their own way but still stay together as brothers with Eiji.

RIP Nami Sano and thank you for the wonderful manga.
Dec 26, 2023 6:51 AM

May 2022
this episode was so good, the conclusion was great, satisfying and it wrapped everything perfectly
Dec 26, 2023 7:02 AM

Jun 2019
Rest In Peace Nami Sano <3
Dec 26, 2023 9:53 AM

Mar 2008
When I first started this series, I thought it was strange. I did not expect it to end as a near masterpiece. This episode concluded the series nicely. It's good that Migi and Dali realized they are two separate people and can live apart. Dali became a hottie when he was older. Who would have guessed Maruta would become an ikemen lmao. 9/10.
Dec 26, 2023 11:46 AM
Jul 2016
Damn, the MAL score really shot up lmao. It was at a 6.9 when the series started. Now it's 7.72.

Really good ending. Kinda wished I watched it on Christmas, instead of Boxing Day.

Micchan's actually a ghost, not a hallucination lmao.

In Memory of Sano Nami, 😢 😭
Dec 26, 2023 12:44 PM

Dec 2020
LOL i love that they all grew up to be handsome, though bird guy didn't change much in how he looks.

Nice ending to conclude they each deserve to be their own person. Very twin-themed. I have shed a tear :')
Dec 26, 2023 1:37 PM
Oct 2021
goated ahh episodee
Dec 26, 2023 4:05 PM
Aug 2018
Didn't expect to get so emotional in this episode, but man.
What a perfect finale.
Dec 26, 2023 4:28 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to erikkamirs
Damn, the MAL score really shot up lmao. It was at a 6.9 when the series started. Now it's 7.72.

Really good ending. Kinda wished I watched it on Christmas, instead of Boxing Day.

Micchan's actually a ghost, not a hallucination lmao.

In Memory of Sano Nami, 😢 😭
@erikkamirs Same. It's just insane looking at screenshots from early on to now.

Dec 26, 2023 7:50 PM

Mar 2008
That was a pretty nice ending...although im not a huge fan of these kind of jumps in time since they are hard to adjust to coming on so sudden.
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Dec 26, 2023 7:57 PM
Apr 2021
Amor y tristeza por la mangaka que no pudo ver su obra en emision
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