Are there any of you here that voted for Obama that now regret it?

I'll say this and I'm out of this thread. I apologize to the board for my display yesterday - not for what I said, but just for the fact that I took the time to say it. I wasted my time and yours. I accomplished nothing but taking part in a pointless, nonsensical exchange.

I have no control over how other people conduct themselves. But I do have complete control over how I conduct myself. And I hate it when I disappoint myself.

Sorry 'bout that, folks. :hatsoff:

Its all good, Rey
I'll say this and I'm out of this thread. I apologize to the board for my display yesterday - not for what I said, but just for the fact that I took the time to say it. I wasted my time and yours. I accomplished nothing but taking part in a pointless, nonsensical exchange.

I have no control over how other people conduct themselves. But I do have complete control over how I conduct myself. And I hate it when I disappoint myself.

Sorry 'bout that, folks. :hatsoff:

Christ, that's pathetic, Go out and make some money man! And stop worrying about how people view you on a message board. It'll be ok :1orglaugh
I'll say this and I'm out of this thread. I apologize to the board for my display yesterday - not for what I said, but just for the fact that I took the time to say it. I wasted my time and yours. I accomplished nothing but taking part in a pointless, nonsensical exchange.

I have no control over how other people conduct themselves. But I do have complete control over how I conduct myself. And I hate it when I disappoint myself.

Sorry 'bout that, folks. :hatsoff:

Ah shucks man your all good.
I think that everyone is far too quick to jump and say "Aha!" when something goes wrong with their opposition. But when our previous president refused to admit being wrong or steering us in the wrong direction or collapsing our entire economy, it's pretty refreshing to see our president stand up and take the hit and be accountable like Obama has on the Obamacare fiasco. I have heard pundits say it's the worst lie ever told by a president and that he duped the american people and so on. But it hardly compares to the WMD blatant lie that tanked our economy and has gotten nearly 5,000 Americans killed. It pales in comparison. So to actually see a politician own up to their mistakes is something that the republicans are unaccustomed to that they don't know how to deal with it, so they kick and scream.
At the risk of stirring the pot and being a troll...

I had a really good conversations with a kid in one of my classes yesterday. It is awesome when they can use the numbers to not just get a grade, but see how it works and what the issues are. Without going into it too much he was talking to me about ObamaCare and RomneyCare (No disrespect meant to either law or system). He asked me the very same question the this thread is about.

Are you sorry you voted for Obama? No. I'm sorry things are working out the way they are. I like to think of myself as an idealist or at least having moments of being an idealist. That is why I voted for him. Unfortunately, that kind of thinking that I have is flawed and can lead to me buying into a salesman. I'd still rather than the become an eternal pessimist.

The problem with the great intention of these healthcare systems is that that they are sold to us as being paid for by either the young paying for them because they are more profitable or the rich paying for them because they should be able to afford paying slightly more. Call it redistribution of wealth, but the idealistic idea is to use some of the wealth to do what is right. I'm fully bought into it.

It is an emotional sell to me. The intellectual part of me knows that it doesn't work efficiently. At the end of the day it is the middle class that will carry the burden. That is what appears to be happening in MA. That is what I believe will happen with the ACA. The goal is noble, but the execution if flawed. I've heard people compare the US programs to other countries that are a fraction of the population and wealth. That is a flawed equation.

I'm all for small government. Intellectually I know that it is probably better to cut back and not try and cut spending by providing more even if you think the government can create a market for it. However, the first place that the government should cut back is military spending, then is can look elsewhere (Eisenhower saw this as clear as day). So, by saying smaller government, I do not believe that means pulling the lever for a Republican unless I'm following the same emotional feelings I did when I pulled it for Obama.

There is no perfect answer. The U.S. is a huge ship and you can't guide is with precision across the ocean, the best you can do it sway it one way or the other to keep it in somewhat calm waters.

Do I great what is happening and think that we should be able to have better government? Heck yes. Do I actually regret my idealistic vote given the choices? No
I think that everyone is far too quick to jump and say "Aha!" when something goes wrong with their opposition. But when our previous president refused to admit being wrong or steering us in the wrong direction or collapsing our entire economy, it's pretty refreshing to see our president stand up and take the hit and be accountable like Obama has on the Obamacare fiasco. I have heard pundits say it's the worst lie ever told by a president and that he duped the american people and so on. But it hardly compares to the WMD blatant lie that tanked our economy and has gotten nearly 5,000 Americans killed. It pales in comparison. So to actually see a politician own up to their mistakes is something that the republicans are unaccustomed to that they don't know how to deal with it, so they kick and scream.

Mr. Blue Countach, would it better for you if this gentleman would have won the election in 2012?



assari's opinion; A nice and conservative-looking fellow.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Christ, that's pathetic, Go out and make some money man! And stop worrying about how people view you on a message board. It'll be ok :1orglaugh

Blue Countach
Blue Countach is offline


Hmm, well... in light of recent events, perhaps you now see that self-moderation and being in better control of ones words and actions is the best way to conduct ones self - here or anywhere else (real life or internet). I don't get paid to be here - and neither do you or any of us. But when I am here, I'd prefer to not have the people I respect think of me as some sort of unhinged nutcase because I've fallen into some sort of long-running battle with you or anyone else. I'd rather not discourage those people from having a normal (or funny or whatever) conversation with me because they'd rather just avoid me and not risk having to deal with any foolishness or silliness. If I can't do any better than that, then I should stop coming here, so that I don't waste my time or anyone else's. During your "vacation", perhaps you will reflect on my position and you may decide to agree... or not.

Good day to you. Best of luck with your back pain, etc.



Staff member
Mr. Blue Countach, would it better for you if this gentleman would have won the election in 2012?View attachment 324820
assari's opinion; A nice and conservative-looking fellow.
at least there wouldn't have been a fucked up health care law and other mediocrities like Obama did


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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
at least there wouldn't have been a fucked up health care law and other mediocrities like Obama did

Say, what was the Affordable Care Act based on? What state's law was it basically lifted from, that also included an insurance exchange, subsidies, Medicaid expansion and mandated insurance with financial penalties? And who was that state's Governor, who signed that bill into law? What do people call that law now? Something care. Ah hell, what is it?! Ren & StimpyCare? No, that's not it! Rita HayworthCare? No. No. No! Uh, I know it starts with an "R", but the name escapes me right now. Anybody know???

Look folks, the Affordable Car Act/ObamaCare is far from what I wanted to see in the way of healthcare reform. But anyone who thinks that what we had was working or acceptable, IMO, is either delusional... or doesn't live here. ;)
georges your posts seem to continuously be based on emotional dislike for the president rather than anything else. just 10 years ago Mitt Romney was pro choice. He instituted nearly an exact version of Obamacare in Massachusetts which is the program that Obamacare got it's foundation from. He outright said he wasn't concerned about poor people because there are programs for them, but then wanted to take those programs away. Not to mention his outrageous religious beliefs that would require you to question his judgment as well as his sanity. He said that many times in his life when he was faced with a problem he "prayed and went with the little voice in his head all the while ignoring all logic, common sense and life experience." We had one of those presidents recently who's faith and prayers destroyed our economy and has gotten thousands of Americans killed.


Staff member
georges your posts seem to continuously be based on emotional dislike for the president rather than anything else. just 10 years ago Mitt Romney was pro choice. He instituted nearly an exact version of Obamacare in Massachusetts which is the program that Obamacare got it's foundation from. He outright said he wasn't concerned about poor people because there are programs for them, but then wanted to take those programs away. Not to mention his outrageous religious beliefs that would require you to question his judgment as well as his sanity. He said that many times in his life when he was faced with a problem he "prayed and went with the little voice in his head all the while ignoring all logic, common sense and life experience." We had one of those presidents recently who's faith and prayers destroyed our economy and has got thousands of Americans killed.

I remember to have seen this reasoning somewhere. But I judge a politician according to his results. Why was Obama given a Nobel prize when he never concluded any peace talk? Most of the jobs that he created were part time jobs not permanent ones. Gun Laws in Chicago have been made stricter but results is that criminality is on the rise. The result is that Obamacare is a failure and you can't deny it. Just look your friend Obummer awarded the Clinton Sob and Oprah with a presidential medal of freedom and what for? What did these two fools achieve?? I already told you that I didn't and don't like community organizers of any kind but because Obama give the award to Oprah, it tells me that he doesn't like people who don't agree with his views, remember as well what Oprah said about people who dislike Obama. Regarding religion, Obummer has volontarily forgotten to say God, when he was reciting famous President Lincoln's Gettysburg address, I think that is enough significant of something. Also when someone reaches only 39% of approval rating I think that he can be considered as a failure no matter whatever his voters or supporters say.


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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Also when someone reaches only 39% of approval rating I think that he can be considered as a failure no matter whatever his voters or supporters say.

Then Ronald Reagan was an even bigger failure than Obama, since his lowest approval rating was 35%. Using your criteria, in addition to Ronald Reagan, here are some other Presidential "failures": George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson and Harry Truman. Looks like the only "successful" Presidents we have had over the past 80 years or so have been Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. Maybe we need an emperor or a monarch to run this joint; "the people" seem to have a pretty bad track record on who to vote into office.

BTW Georges, you still have not addressed my question regarding Romney's healthcare reform in Massachusetts being the virtual twin of ObamaCare. With all due respect, I ask you to use facts and data and dispense with the nonsensical cartoons. Who you like or don't like matters not to me. But if your reasons for not liking someone seem based on a lack of logic, you understand that someone is going to call you on it. Also, Obama, whether when he was in the Illinois legislature or the U.S. Senate - or as President of the United States now, has had nothing more to do with Chicago's gun laws than I have. I encourage you to learn more about how our political system (actually) works.
Then Ronald Reagan was an even bigger failure than Obama, since his lowest approval rating was 35%. Using your criteria, in addition to Ronald Reagan, here are some other Presidential "failures": George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson and Harry Truman. Looks like the only "successful" Presidents we have had over the past 80 years or so have been Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. Maybe we need an emperor or a monarch to run this joint; "the people" seem to have a pretty bad track record on who to vote into office.

BTW Georges, you still have not addressed my question regarding Romney's healthcare reform in Massachusetts being the virtual twin of ObamaCare. With all due respect, I ask you to use facts and data and dispense with the nonsensical cartoons. Who you like or don't like matters not to me. But if your reasons for not liking someone seem based on a lack of logic, you understand that someone is going to call you on it. Also, Obama, whether when he was in the Illinois legislature or the U.S. Senate - or as President of the United States now, has had nothing more to do with Chicago's gun laws than I have. I encourage you to learn more about how our political system (actually) works.

It's been five years of bitching and moaning from the right, what will they do if we get a Republican president in 2016? they won't know what to do with themselves now that they can't bitch about a liberal in the White House
There would be zero difference with this guy in office, he would be doing the exact same thing. Truth

I kind of agree too. Barack Obama proved that not only is he not different but there is no difference. A politicians top priority is always the same. Himself/Herself
The ones who allow themselves to be owned the most sometimes are the ones most damaged. Those people will become obsolete when a better contraption comes around.


the reason Obama Care is so like Romney care is because Romney contacted Obama gave Obama his team that wrote Romneycare and helped them Institute it. after the election Romney openly cried it wasn't fair Obama was allowed to use his law to get reelected
If Barack Obama ever actually went skeet shooting his pigeons would volunteer. Closest thing to Barry with a rifle is him rifling through our pockets.



"Thank you, sir. May we have another?"


"One is all you needed, you hollow fucks."


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It's been five years of bitching and moaning from the right, what will they do if we get a Republican president in 2016? they won't know what to do with themselves now that they can't bitch about a liberal in the White House

Prepare for a lot more bitching and moaning because there are no electable republican presidential candidates from the known field of possible contenders. Let them keep up the piss take, the more they cry the deeper into the grips of insanity they fall. Some people think both parties are the same and it doesn't matter to those types which party is in office, they're going to bitch and moan anyway.