Then Ronald Reagan was an even bigger failure than Obama, since his lowest approval rating was 35%. Using your criteria, in addition to Ronald Reagan, here are some other Presidential "failures": George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson and Harry Truman. Looks like the only "successful" Presidents we have had over the past 80 years or so have been Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. Maybe we need an emperor or a monarch to run this joint; "the people" seem to have a pretty bad track record on who to vote into office.
BTW Georges, you still have not addressed my question regarding Romney's healthcare reform in Massachusetts being the virtual twin of ObamaCare. With all due respect, I ask you to use facts and data and dispense with the nonsensical cartoons. Who you like or don't like matters not to me. But if your reasons for not liking someone seem based on a lack of logic, you understand that someone is going to call you on it. Also, Obama, whether when he was in the Illinois legislature or the U.S. Senate - or as President of the United States now, has had nothing more to do with Chicago's gun laws than I have. I encourage you to learn more about how our political system (actually) works.