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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Feb 19, 1:14 PM
Jan 2022
Reply to keeenan
fuck you guys, this episode was so good
@keeenan no, fuck YOU, keeenan.

I know expectations differ from person to person and especially as far as anime goes, the majority of people brainlessly dismiss something as 1/10 or hyperventilate over it as 10/10. I always try to use that spongy matter in my skull, though, and rate things on their merits. This episode was a 4/10 for me - Liliana's backstory was as forgettable as it was cliche and her character really irks me. The more of her squeaky voice I have to hear, the shorter the episode is, because I simply scroll past sections that are bad, irrelevant or tiresome. This has been the shortest Re:Zero episode ever for me.
The animation was largely piss poor but that was to be expected - we had some good action last week, I wouldn't dare expect the same to be the case twice in a row, so no hard feelings.
Anzai Chika as Sirius is a gift that keeps on giving; even though Sirius peaked in the first three episodes, hearing this lobotomizingly talented seiyuu makes my ears water. Anzai is the epitome of her craft.
Priscilla shittalking to Sirius was so damn entertaining even if she's a chronic hypocrite herself. The way she trolled the Wrath reminded me of Subaru doing the same thing to Petelgeuse, which was quite fitting.
My biggest gripe is with the tension: for the past 6 episodes or so there's been absolutely none. First Regulus adapted into a Looney Tunes comedy relief and a goofball, and now... I can't say I felt like Priscilla or anybody else for that matter were in any sort of danger. It's saddening to me. With Petelgeuse, as hilariously fucked in the head as he was, I always had the feeling that even if Team Subaru scored and chopped his head off, it was far from over. The dude was unpredicatble and gave Subaru quite a mental rodeo. I can't say I felt the same about any archbishop in this arc, except for Sirius when she first appeared and then when she brutalized Subaru. From that point on, null.
Feb 19, 1:39 PM
Feb 2020
I will forever respect season 3 for actually making me care about Liliana
Feb 19, 1:39 PM
Sep 2022
idk about you guys but i could honestly give less of a shit about guitar girls backstory, the Priscilla sirius shit was cool but we did not need like 8 minutes of lilianna backstory
Feb 19, 1:40 PM
Aug 2023
Who voices / sings for Liliana’s mom??
Feb 19, 1:46 PM

Apr 2010
What's with all the singing? Sirius got defeated just like that? Just what the hell is this arc really?
Feb 19, 2:10 PM
Sep 2012
Reply to SinisterPigeon
Who voices / sings for Liliana’s mom??
@SinisterPigeon Believe it's Mizuki Nana based on the kanji in the credits scene
Feb 19, 2:13 PM
Aug 2023
Reply to mrpocari21
@SinisterPigeon Believe it's Mizuki Nana based on the kanji in the credits scene
@mrpocari21 thanks!
Feb 19, 2:14 PM

Aug 2022
I gotta say I love Re zero and its characters but I never really had a favourite character ever since Rem "Died" at least when it comes to the good characters but I gotta say this episode easily made Priscilla my favourite character. I feel like this episode and season as a whole has seriously brought her character out into the spotlight.

and get yourself a man like Mr. Kiritaka who t-pose jumps off bridges into lakes for you, I respect his dedication

Also if wrath just jumps out of the river perfectly fine ima be pissed because she has no right to be alive after that
Feb 19, 2:14 PM
Dec 2014
Top tier One piece reference
Feb 19, 2:19 PM

Sep 2014
Liliana and Priscilla are incredibly based.

Liliana has the worst parents, wtf.

Something something 'I want to be Priscillas property'

I wonder what kind of men she would marry, considering her top of the world attitude (which is completely justified btw)
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Feb 19, 2:22 PM
May 2016
Reply to VaiinGlory
@MenchiK1 yo, the story itself is about an earth guy being isekaid to another world... you ask why would they have connection in a completely different world?? its because that in itself is the major plot point of the story... the largest mystery is how subaru is related to all fo the events of re zero world and why only subaru is the exception to all the authorities and about the mystery of flugel

Well if there is an in story reason fine, but as of now there isn't so it seems kind of silly. I will assume then that's the reason Suburu himself has a star related name. Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus for those that don't know.
Feb 19, 2:44 PM
Oct 2024
i was fearing this episode since season 3 started coming out. i really didnt like this part of the novels but i have to say it was adapted about as good as it could've been. i dont think this episode was good enough to make me care about liliana but it could've been a lot worse
Feb 19, 2:49 PM
Oct 2024
Reply to MenchiK1

So it appears Liliana has stunted her growth by being a literal starving artist, too bad her mom is hot ;P Nice they got someone who can actually sing to do the songs, I hate anime when someone is supposed to be an amazing singer and they suck. Priscilla's power is pretty cool, wonder if she was getting close to running out of objects.
Looks like we have to wait for more of Regulus and the rest. You know it's clever of the writer to base the power of the Archbishops on constellations but it's pretty dumb to have that connection be a part of the actual story. I mean why would they have that connection in a completely different world? Especially being based on the Latin (Greek) as well as the Arabic names. I guess there had to be a reason Subaru could figure it out but hearing him say it was just dumb.
@MenchiK1 ... stars are a huge HUGE plot point. its also not just the arch bishops with star names, make of that what you will
Feb 19, 3:44 PM
Sep 2018
Probably the worst episode in the entire series so far. Like how gullible one person can be to start liking a screaming child just cuz they played some uplifting music
Feb 19, 3:45 PM
Jul 2024
These episodes man, keep getting better and better! Wow, Liliana origin episode was much improved from Otto origin from last season, i’m glad to see one archbishop finally down. Surprised Regulus didn’t yap at Subaru near the end though.
Feb 19, 3:48 PM
Apr 2020
only 55% 5 stars????
am I missing something here???
it was an amazing episode! what's going on?
Feb 19, 4:10 PM

Sep 2024
Honestly could've been better. Was hoping for more of a focus on Greed, but Wrath was still pretty cool. And hey, more lore on a character I didn't remotely care about.
Feb 19, 4:42 PM

Apr 2022
Reply to cjsoldan
idk about you guys but i could honestly give less of a shit about guitar girls backstory, the Priscilla sirius shit was cool but we did not need like 8 minutes of lilianna backstory
@cjsoldan i'm right there with you on this one. maybe i could care a little for it if it was placed somewhere else but at the moment? nope.
Feb 19, 5:13 PM
Sep 2009
It felt like a filler episode to me. At least the creators will recompensate us with an extra 5 minutes of runtime next week so hurray! I can't say I'm crazy about singing or Leliana herself but I look forward to the next week!

otaku_J-san said:
only 55% 5 stars????
am I missing something here???
it was an amazing episode! what's going on?

It just wasn't that well thought out, this episode.
I'm glad Leliana's life turned out great after...*checks notes* she ran away from her parents after having a children's fuss? -.-'
It's almost as tragic as being a basement-dwelling, jobless weeb, who lives in her parents' basement. The world is just out to get them both, isn't it?

Her parents aren't exactly stellar if they just shrugged it off and went on with their lives but to their credit, we aren't shown what was happening with them between Leliana running away and their final meeting. And we weren't shown anything that would make them bad parents either - they should have taken Leliana's instrument away until after she apologised and... there is that, as we weren't shown them doing anything explicitly bad or not taking care of Leliana so yeah... The storytelling wasn't exactly stellar this week and Leliana's part felt out of place in Re:zero.

There was also little fighting but I'd say it's below the level of what we usually see, so it's not gaining there either.
IlxussFeb 19, 5:35 PM
Feb 19, 5:25 PM
Mar 2022
I cried in this chap, amazing, the music, the animation
Feb 19, 6:06 PM
Apr 2022
Wow this episode was the most boring one this season. Back story of a character that really had no presence in the story except, as Priscilla put it, as a simpleton.
reus23shinjiFeb 19, 6:12 PM
Feb 19, 6:13 PM
Jan 2021
Anyone else think the end of the fight was too generic / boring?

I mean, fight literally ended because of "music magic" and "throwing your opponent into water" tricks. That's kinda... dumb.

After all the hype made by previous episodes, this episode seemed like slackster (not on production side, but on story side).

I don't mind Priscilla and Liliana's characters, in fact I like them, but what happened in the fight was tasteless.
timetoaiFeb 19, 6:20 PM
Feb 19, 6:27 PM

Jun 2024
Very good episode with the back story for Liliana.
Priscilla did gret against Sirius, she was pretty cool to watch.
No surprise to see Kiritaka with the dramatic rescue.
Now to see how the fight with Regulus plays out.
I have ADD, ADHD & AUTISM, but this won't stop me. Let's keep having fun together.
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Feb 19, 7:13 PM
May 2016
Reply to otaku_J-san
only 55% 5 stars????
am I missing something here???
it was an amazing episode! what's going on?

Understandable, people wanted to see the fight with Regulus and got a background character's backstory.
People have to realize the animators (and the budget) need a break after last episode.
Feb 19, 7:17 PM

Aug 2018
Finally caught up this second half of the season. ReZero always delivers!
Feb 19, 7:20 PM

Jul 2015
Reply to mat0us
Whole episode centered around a character I don't give a damn about. I just don't get why should I be interested in her and her backstory.
@mat0us Ikr. So frustrating.
I am sleepy
Feb 19, 7:28 PM

Nov 2016
Golden Rule of Re:Zero: If a chapter/episode name has a character name as the title, it is gonna be FUCKING PEAK.

That still rings true even though the Sakuga was not the best for the Priscilla parts (and even then it looked good), the music was on point and honestly it fits with Liliana. Also very happy they kept the star lore. I honestly thought it was gonna be like the Al cut stuff from S1 (I mean it kinda is because it was post ED but oh well, still not as bad as revealing it in break time)

Without Love, the truth cannot be seen.
Feb 19, 7:36 PM
Jul 2021
Priscilla is like 19 right so she was definitely underaged when she got married which seems pretty exploitative and I just feel bad/disgusted at that like what pdf file would marry a teenager, besides that Liliana's small appearance being because of malnourishment/starving to the brink of death is also tragic. I think there's a lot more to priscilla than has been let on like a lot a lot more.

Last thing I'll say is I really liked the mention of reid and flugel by liliana like it puts their names in the back of our minds & feels like foreshadowing for something.
JavanyXDFeb 19, 7:47 PM
Feb 19, 7:40 PM
Jul 2021
Reply to Dreezo
Probably the worst episode in the entire series so far. Like how gullible one person can be to start liking a screaming child just cuz they played some uplifting music
@Dreezo if you're talking about liliana she's older than priscilla at around 22
Feb 19, 9:03 PM

Oct 2011
Reply to JavanyXD
@Dreezo if you're talking about liliana she's older than priscilla at around 22
@JavanyXD Liliana's 22?! Biggest plot twist I've heard.

Feb 19, 9:46 PM

Feb 2022
Pristella's ability are wicked sickkk! She can substitute the damage she'll take for her precious items, that's a fking badass!

Feb 19, 9:53 PM
Dec 2023
I don't really understand the Liliana hate, I think she's precious. I mean, I can understand how she's a bit annoying, but I feel like if everyone was happier that I disappeared, I'd be desperate to keep the friends I just made. she just wants to be wanted, from my point of view at least. Priscilla is my ideal, and Rem is my dream 😭
Super excited for the rest of the season, as the anime has been fantastic. Crunchyroll can suck a bag of D**ks though.
Feb 20, 12:24 AM

Jun 2015
Reply to TeetsMcgee
I don't really understand the Liliana hate, I think she's precious. I mean, I can understand how she's a bit annoying, but I feel like if everyone was happier that I disappeared, I'd be desperate to keep the friends I just made. she just wants to be wanted, from my point of view at least. Priscilla is my ideal, and Rem is my dream 😭
Super excited for the rest of the season, as the anime has been fantastic. Crunchyroll can suck a bag of D**ks though.
@TeetsMcgee I don't understand the hate either. I love Liliana, she's adorable and not annoying at all. Great episode. Her journey as a bard and especially how she choose to cut herself off from her parents and be independent even though she was homeless and all alone was heartbreaking.
Feb 20, 1:03 AM
Dec 2022
Liliana gives the performance of her lifetime as Priscilla fights the Sin Archbishop of Wrath. We get an insight into Liliana's past before she becoming a bard on her own. Plus Subaru finally gets an insight into Regulus.
Feb 20, 1:17 AM
May 2011
Defeating the bad guy thru singing... almost as bad as defeating the main bad guy in Soul Eater Asura, the embodiment of fear through friendship. GIVE ME A BREAK! And how is this arrogant rich girl able to just wield a sword like that anyway this came out of nowhere! I also thought wrath was going to be more of a problem for Subaru and company like sloth was but she's defeated so easily what a joke!!!
Feb 20, 1:29 AM
Jan 2023
Been seeing people dislike this episode or calling it "eh/mid". personally? This episode was amazing. music, looks, story? Fantastic.

IMO the only reason its considered eh would be it's placement. I wanted to see subaru's fight with greed. To jump into back story time felt super out of place and I think a lot of people wanted the hype of last episode to go into this one.
Feb 20, 2:02 AM
May 2021
I loved it, Liliana's journey was so touching.
Feb 20, 2:23 AM
Mar 2020
Reply to TheLaughingMan11
Defeating the bad guy thru singing... almost as bad as defeating the main bad guy in Soul Eater Asura, the embodiment of fear through friendship. GIVE ME A BREAK! And how is this arrogant rich girl able to just wield a sword like that anyway this came out of nowhere! I also thought wrath was going to be more of a problem for Subaru and company like sloth was but she's defeated so easily what a joke!!!
@TheLaughingMan11 Sirius lost in combat
Feb 20, 4:21 AM
Sep 2018
Reply to JavanyXD
@Dreezo if you're talking about liliana she's older than priscilla at around 22
@JavanyXD So she is only a bait for degenerates, character getting worse with every detail
Feb 20, 4:58 AM
Jul 2020
waiting for a week but didnt expect a lil boring episode 😭😭 ngl im waiting for subaru part
Feb 20, 5:07 AM
Jan 2021
Dreezo said:
@JavanyXD So she is only a bait for degenerates, character getting worse with every detail

More like you are the one with a stupid mind if that's what you conclude from that
Feb 20, 5:46 AM
Jun 2007
Ah backstory of Liliana.
Gosh Priscilla has eight husbands?!!!
Feb 20, 5:54 AM
Oct 2024
Reply to Dreezo
@JavanyXD So she is only a bait for degenerates, character getting worse with every detail
@Dreezo if you watch the episode you will know that she is as tall as her mother
Feb 20, 6:24 AM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
Well, that was such boring and predictable episode, and whatever gibberish a Priscilla and Sirius said to each other when they were fighting definitely didn't help, it was cringe.

Liliana's unnecessary backstory was too long that it ate up almost half of the episode.

Also what a convenient matchup that Sirius had to fight basically her hard counters, Lilianna cleansed the people and Priscilla happened to have a sword which enables her to avoid harming the hostage.

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Feb 20, 7:01 AM
Nov 2023
Liliana is ruining re zero: boring background and annoying voice (and she actually sings well mind you). The singing was not what I expected to watch when starting a re zero episode, so I skipped it and I'm sure I lost nothing from the plot. We lost the serious tone from past seasons.
Feb 20, 8:50 AM
Aug 2022
yarram gibi bölümdü amına koyduklarım
Feb 20, 11:13 AM

Jul 2014
Boring episode, when there's far more interesting character conflicts and fights going on right now.

Liliana's backstory was severely uninteresting and the rest of the episode was distracting with all the "talking is a free action" moments in what is supposed to be a serious, dangerous fight. And frankly, I wanted to see more of Priscilla and understand her character more given her importance to the wider plot as one of the Royal Candidates, but we didn't get anywhere near as much of that thanks to Liliana hogging the spotlight.
Feb 20, 11:17 AM

Nov 2019
TeetsMcgee said:
I don't really understand the Liliana hate, I think she's precious. I mean, I can understand how she's a bit annoying, but I feel like if everyone was happier that I disappeared, I'd be desperate to keep the friends I just made. she just wants to be wanted, from my point of view at least. Priscilla is my ideal, and Rem is my dream 😭
Super excited for the rest of the season, as the anime has been fantastic. Crunchyroll can suck a bag of D**ks though.

Emilia is waiting for your compliments

"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Feb 20, 11:29 AM
Jan 2023
Horrible filler episode that had nothing to do with any of the plots
Feb 20, 11:55 AM
Dec 2023
Laplace_kun said:
TeetsMcgee said:
I don't really understand the Liliana hate, I think she's precious. I mean, I can understand how she's a bit annoying, but I feel like if everyone was happier that I disappeared, I'd be desperate to keep the friends I just made. she just wants to be wanted, from my point of view at least. Priscilla is my ideal, and Rem is my dream 😭
Super excited for the rest of the season, as the anime has been fantastic. Crunchyroll can suck a bag of D**ks though.

Emilia is waiting for your compliments

Emilia is great, and I really appreciate how much she's grown as a character, but she's still number 4 for me bro. I got no hate for her, she's just not my personal fave
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