Biden says Iraq is the greatest achievement of this Administration

Just out of curiosity, if I had said that, would I have been warned for flaming?

Why? I'm not sure what constitutes flaming for everyone but all Georges did was characterize someone's post. Albeit with colorful is still no more than a characterization of a post IMO.

We all do that.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Why? I'm not sure what constitutes flaming for everyone but all Georges did was characterize someone's post. Albeit with colorful is still no more than a characterization of a post IMO.

We all do that.

You'd be surprised. If I even look sideways at Will E, Georges is up my ass about being nice and not flaming. I was just curious if double standards represented the status quo.
You'd be surprised. If I even look sideways at Will E, Georges is up my ass about being nice and not flaming. I was just curious if double standards represented the status quo.

I am not up your ass. :nono: To be honest with you, I am never calling anyone with names because first it is not a solution to solve a problem, nor a way to create a constructive discussion. You will notice that I never take participation in threads I don't like. You can make a constructive remark expressing your disagreement with a poster but calling someone with name just because of his ideas is really uncalled for. The neocon labelling made by Hellraiser is really out of context, I don't think I am the only one who thinks so. At last but not least there is no double standards, I treat everyone equally and with respect. Please also read the definition of flaming.:
The following is the definition of flaming, personal attacks, and harassment as defined by the Administration of the FreeOnes Message Board.

What is considered Flaming?

Flaming is the hostile and insulting interaction between members. This often leads to personal attacks and harassment but can also include the use of threatening or intentionally inflammatory language. Flaming can include but is not limited to:

Outright Rudeness: disrespect and failure to behave within the Rules of the Message Board.
PUrposeful Insults: an intentional expression, statement, or behavior that is degrading or offensive.
Gross Profanity - profanity used against another member (fuck you, you fucking bitch!).
Personal Attacks - attack against a member, not their views, argument, opinion or stance on an issue.
Taunting and baiting - posts or comments with the intent to inflame a member or group of members.
Quoting another member out of context to give the impression they hold views they don't hold or to malign them.
What is NOT considered Flaming?

Flaming is not the criticism of another member's views, opinions, arguments, or stances on an issue. If someone proves you wrong by backing it up with valid facts, this is not flaming. If someone disagrees with you, this is not flaming! If your feelings are hurt by a differing opinion, this is not flaming!

Please be aware that if you post in topics about heated real-world issues, people will disagree with you and criticize your views and opinions. If you don't like this, then don't post in threads about these types of issues! And if you make a comment that you know will get people stirred up, make sure you can take the heat!

What is considered a Personal Attack?
Personal Attacks can lead to Harassment if it's persistent!

What is NOT considered Personal Attacks?

Personal attacks are not the criticism of your views, opinions, arguments, or stances on an issue! It is also not a fellow board member pointing out a board violation, in good faith, in order to keep someone from getting in trouble.

What is considered Harassment?

Harassment is a persistent pattern of offensive behavior that affects a targeted member or members negatively, usually (but not always) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating the target. The intended outcome may be to make the board unpleasant for the target or discourage them from participating in the community entirely. Harassment can include but is not limited to:

Persistant personal attacks.
Hounding (singling out a member or group of members in threads with the intent to attack them).
Posting personal information (includes posting the personal information of OCSMs without authorization).
Posting private correspondences.
What is NOT considered Harassment?

Harassment is NOT defined as someone you dislike and can’t get along with posting in the same thread as you. If you can't get along with another user, please take responsibility and use the Ignore Feature.

I am here to make sure everyone has fun and that there is no kind of anymosity between members.

Anyway, back to the topic.
Why? I'm not sure what constitutes flaming for everyone but all Georges did was characterize someone's post. Albeit with colorful is still no more than a characterization of a post IMO.

We all do that.

Wait a second. Georges asked if Hellraiser was tired of spreading "fucking bullshit"? Isn't that kind of an accusation that Hellraiser is spreading bullshit? Georges didn't say, "This post is bullshit."

I think Andro has a point. :dunno:
Wait a second. Georges asked if Hellraiser was tired of spreading "fucking bullshit"? Isn't that kind of an accusation that Hellraiser is spreading bullshit? Georges didn't say, "This post is bullshit."

I think Andro has a point. :dunno:

"fucking bullshit like this.." was the quote. The "this" was the post.
Back to the topic... Biden is either a retard, or misspeaks more than George Bush. This guy has a ridiculous quote in the news weekly, and it's been going on for decades.:rolleyes:


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
A close second is Obama's killing of a fly live on camera.
Dont forget he had a beer with the black professor and the state trooper.:glugglug:That definitely was an important accomplishment and in no way a media distraction.
Dont forget he had a beer with the black professor and the state trooper.:glugglug:That definitely was an important accomplishment and in no way a media distraction.

Wait wait mean when he single-handedly bridged the racial and social divide in America so everyone could live together in harmony? :confused:


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Wait wait mean when he single-handedly bridged the racial and social divide in America so everyone could live together in harmony? :confused:
Yep thats right all is well between blacks and whites now that Obama has had a table conversation with those two.:bowdown: MLK is overrated, what did he do?


Hiliary 2020
whats all this bullshit?
lets not start inadvertantly trying to force the mods into over regulation.
as long were not directly calling each other names its good as it is.
A close second is Obama's killing of a fly live on camera.

Dont forget he had a beer with the black professor and the state trooper.:glugglug:That definitely was an important accomplishment and in no way a media distraction.

I thought the second greatest achievement was that time Obama got on Jay Leno?

No wait, maybe it was when Obama got on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man? :dunno:
Another example of convenient misquotes.

Title of the thread everyone sees "Biden says Iraq is the greatest achievement of this administration".

The actual quote;

Meanwhile, Biden said that progress in Iraq
"could be one of the great achievements of this administration."

The subtle difference doesn't appear to represent much...unless you consider the absurdity of Biden claiming such a thing at this point..To which, the OP would be using a misquote to embellish a theme.


Closed Account
The Iraq war was a crime just like the Vietnam war! both sides lost soo many souls just for the sakes of some oil, which benefited a minority with billions of us dollars.