Fatty Acid Synthesis
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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For educational purposes only; NOT medical or other advice.
Some videos contain mild profanity and hyperbole solely used to assist with memorization. Viewer discretion advised.
Opinions are entirely my own.
Linolenic acid = the first "n" is third counting backwards (Omega 3)
Linoleic acid = the first "n" is sixth counting backwards (Omega 6)
Biotin also serves as a coenzyme for the rate limiting enzyme; ACC(Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase). Great video👌.
Teach me
What is a rate limiting enzyme?
@@michaelsrowland The slowest enzyme in the pathway
@@frameshift_mutation rate limiting enzymes in the metabolic pathway are those that determine the speed and direction of a reaction and not necessarily the slowest enzyme
I think this video is by far THE most simplified version of fatty acid synthesis. Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!
This is gonna sound weird...but your voice makes me become so much more focused. Thank you for the video!
It's not weird I felt the same too..
Thank you very much! I love the tip you shared about memorizing the rate-limiting enzyme.
fatty ACC-id synthesis
14:50 Citrate to Palmitate
17:10 Summary Slide of the net equation
17:45. Final Slide
You are one of the few people that are so great at explaining such heavy stuff. Thank you so much, your videos are very helpful.
All your biochemistry videos are pure gold. Thanks a lot.
Your videos are so amazing! Hours of lectures that I've barely understood makes sense completely :))
Once more, an amazing video. It's even better because you have a lot of repetition so it helps for information to sink in.
Thank you for making these painful topics easy to understand!
I'm really having trouble to understand fatty acid synthesis explained by my lecturer, surprisingly when you explain it, it wasnt that hard!
This is the first time I've watched this channel but it won't be the last. English is not my main language but i understand more clearly than my lesson.
I can’t describe how much you made my life easier. My prof made things quite complicated to understand. Thank you 🙌🏼💛
THANK YOU! This helped so much. I was wasting hours trying to learn this, but you made it so easy.
you have my sincerest gratitude for all that you do. you are indeed reducing educational disparities, perhaps more than you will ever know. i wish you happiness and health always
your videos are always clear, concise and so helpful You are very much appreciated!
Even though this is for med students, this is awesome for MCAT studying too! It’s more than you need to know but I love to think about the big picture not just memorizing things.
You just earned a subscriber. Great job explaining this. Thanks!
Oh WOW that is by far the best explanation of this topic .
I don’t think I will have fun any where else studying biochemistry .
Thanks a lot for the help.
Thank you for the informative video. I noticed a mistake in the example of polyansaturated fatty acid. I remember that the double bonds between carbon atoms should be spaced at three carbon intervals, but the double bonds in the example are not spaced. Maybe you may think to change the example.
Your voice and humor reminds me a lot of the channel Casually Explained. Love the videos!
Is there any way to watch the videos in order? The RUclips playlist doesn't put them in order and it's a bit confusing. Thank you for such amazing content. You are a life saver.
The citrate shuttle is like that of the malate shuttle where oxaloacetate should first be converted to malate, which can come out of mitochondria and then get reconverted to oxaloacetate for gluconeogenesis.
This isn't Dirty Medicine but Shining Medicine.. love the explanation. Thanks
Your channel help me allot in Biochemistry,now things became smooth
"citrate is easy to remember, because in the presence of citrate, what the hell are you gonna do with it, other than convert it?" lmao
Really helpful ! develop understanding and concept you really explain it in simplest way
I’m so proud of my body that it remembers how all these processes work so perfectly … I would have never done that well by myself 😅
Please turn on the Translation
Greatest of all time
Well done.
The name of this process is gluconeogenesis . Your body does this to remove excess sugar/starch (they're the same thing) out of your bloodstream because the excess is TOXIC hyperglycemia. but too little is also deadly hypoglycemia.
Your lecture is wonderful. I have some questions. How many ATP will happen from the fatty acid synthesis and how many cycle occur until the palmitic synthesis complete.
Today I binge watched all of ur videos🙌🙌
very good review of material. thanks!
you're effortless
i loveeee how u give mneumonicssss thankyouuu
Please start recording vedios bcz it is very useful for us
Good explanation
Wowww man you are just amazing, i have watched so many videos, but i stopped at yours, you explained so well and in an easy way 🌺👏 hat off 🎩
Your videos are GREAT :))
Many respect from Jordan
Excellent video and outstanding teacher
Great vidoe great explanation,you don’t know how much you helped me thanks alottt
man you are the real GOAT
Nice vid! 11:54 - the TCA cycle image out of the mitocondria confused me.. Isn't the TCA cycle an intramitocondrial cycle?
Vinitdasilva: from my little research oxaloacetate (impermeable to the mitochondrial membrane) can be converted into malate ( permeable) by the enzyme malate dehydrogenase. Then malate can either be moved into the mitochondria to take part in the TCA cycle or malate can be converted to pyruvate by a malic enzyme - this reaction can produce NADPH which we need in fatty acid chain synthesis. I hope that helped, I am just a first year med student soooo if I did make a mistake please let me know.
Same question.
Brilliant video and explanation! Thank you soo much!
Don't forget that an important cofactor of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase is biotin (vitamin B7)
This is pure gold
thank you you save my grades
Most fats in the body come from fats in food and not from glucose which is mainly converted to glycogen by insulin and stored in the liver and muscles. After exhausting the synthesis of glycogen, then excess glucose is converted to protein or fats depending in the body's needs
Lol 😆
The body converts excess carbohydrates into triaglycerols which are stored in the adipocytes
Not in England where people eat 2000g of carbs a day and spend all day sitting at a computer or in their car or watching tv
you saved my life thanks
Countless thankx for sharing your knowledge..
Great video, thanks..
This is why orange juice increases your triglycerides..
Because of citrate?
Maybe acetyl coA cant freely leave the mitochondria because if it did it would not as readily enter TCA.
Excellent ❤,thank you.
w6 is what you usually get from terrestrial meat w3 come from oceanic fishes like sardine/mackerel/salmon "hence fish on Friday"
Thank you so much sir. Your video said it all. ❤
EPA means 20 carbons and DHA means 22 carbons. A grass fed cow makes more omega 3 FA's than a grain fed cow (grain fed makes more omega 6 versus grass fed) BUT a pinky size slice of salmon has equal amounts of omega 3 as 8 pounds of grass fed beef.
Thanks so much!
At 10:29, why cant the acetyl CoA straight go into Fatty acid synthesis in the cytoplasm after glycolysis? Why does it have to go through the citrate shuffle??
Penjelasannya keren banget...
Glad I watched this one . Thanks Dirty.
Palmitate is a 16 carbon molecule
You are the best!
A true legend.
Wonderful video....🍓🍒
8:51 I thought Acetyl coA could be transported by L-Carnitin from the mitochondria to the cytosol 🤔
That's a step in the beta oxidation of fatty acid. The carnitine only transfers the fatty acids from Intermembrane space of mitochondria to the Matrix
You are the best
"guys an galls"
thank a million sir
Awesome ..
great video❤❤❤thank you
Wouldn’t the oxaloacetate be outside of the mitochondria which means it can’t take place in TCA? It’s not like the NADH generated in glycolysis or pyruvate metabolism that can utilize aspartate malate shuttle or glycerol phosphate shuttle to renter mitochondria
Thank you so much
thanks, its amazing !!!
Great lecture! Thank you Bro
This great, but is not detalied enough for my exam in romania :(
May you activate Subtitles in English. Thanks
do we need to remember the equation of these pathways for step 1 ??
What about Epinephrine? Woild it inhibit FA sythesis as well?
Thank you so much 💓
Amaaaazing,thank U so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why does vinegar lower glucose response? Something to do with Acetyl Coa?
this video is amazing for mcat prep! thanks
Not a student, but like to learn. Is palmitate the only saturated fat made, or can there be other carbon length saturated fats made too? I know like butter and coconut oil, have several carbon length saturated fats ( I have no idea on how these are made though )
In each cycle we use 2 NADPH , I need 6 cycle to form the palmitate . That mean i use 12 NADPH , from where come the other 2 NADPH ??
You're a legend
Is it 6 molecules of water in the final reaction or 7?
dose always fatty acid synthesis start with glucose?
and yet they MAY NOT be "good" poly's are too often auto-oxidized due to their processing
Palmitate is 14 or 16 carbon molecule?
Sir why you stop making vedios
Huge respect🙏
Thank you.
Thank you so much.