
Mar 2, 2021
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porngodnoob on discord

В следующем году думаю удалить все арты с Boosty. Там буду публиковать эро-арты не относящиеся к игре. Boosty всё ещё остаётся единственным способом поддержки, просто хочу отделить её от игры. Скажем так, хочу сделать страницу "легальной" и не заморачиваться с зацензуренными артами. На Boosty что-то эротическое, а всё остальное 18+ и связанное с игрой только в Discord. |

Next year I'm thinking of removing all art from Boosty. I'm going to publish ero-art not related to the game there. Boosty is still the only way to support me, I just want to separate it from the game. Let's just say I want to make the page "legal" and not bother with censored art. There's something erotic on Boosty, and everything else 18+ and game related only in Discord

My attention is now on the game's code. There's not a lot of content, but there's still translation to be done.
After the release of the game, I will remove all images from Boosty, and fill with non-BB images -
Sorry, but I can't fulfill my obligations with images and animations right now.


New Member
Jul 25, 2021
Hi guys,
Just need a little info here.
This is a fresh new game with a fresh new story or it resumes from where it was abandoned?
I remember like some porn movie were going on and Ann was giving HJ/BJ to max, then it stopped .So it resumes from there or we again have to go through all new fresh grinds?

Sōsuke Aizen

Jan 29, 2019
Hi guys,
Just need a little info here.
This is a fresh new game with a fresh new story or it resumes from where it was abandoned?
I remember like some porn movie were going on and Ann was giving HJ/BJ to max, then it stopped .So it resumes from there or we again have to go through all new fresh grinds?
Yeah This is The New Remake Game, So You have to play from Start And This game is Focus On NTR Path. I think Game Story Is Also Different And If You Like Big Brother You should Try This one too


Mar 2, 2021
porngodnoob on discord

Пока что у меня всё идёт по плану. Если ничего непредвиденного не произойдёт, то вот вам даты выхода это небольшого обновления (из-за событий в прошлом году и стресса, контента было сделано мало). |

So far, things are going according to plan for me. Unless something unforeseen happens, you'll have a release date for this small update (due to events last year and stress, not much content was made). |

"Big LvL, Mega LvL" - 18.01
"LvL 4" - 19.01
"LvL 2, LvL 3" - 20.01
"LvL 1, $cheat" - 23.01
"Спасибо (Thanks!)" - 28.01
"Публичный | Public" - 29.01

Sōsuke Aizen

Jan 29, 2019
Can Big Lvl Subscriber who Play This Update Today Talk About Update Version? Is it Big Update Or Small Update And How many New Scenes?
3.60 star(s) 47 Votes