ASMR | Administering Various Tests on You

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Go to today to save on your order! Thanks to Casetify for sponsoring this video!
    Also, check out the newest Gibi Merch drop! Some items are already sold out and have switched to pre-order!
    Thank you so much for volunteering for some studies today! These tests may seem a little random, but I swear, they have scientific value!
    2:37 Test 1: Object Identification & Touch Comparison
    11:52 Test 2: Tasting Squares & Spoons
    23:08 Test 3: Jars
    31:30 Test 4: Colored Light Bar
    34:30 Test 5: Follow the Textured Strips
    Sleep well everyone, thank you so much for watching :) I love filming videos like these!!!
    🎵Listen/Watch on Other Platforms:
    Spotify WITH VIDEO:
    Spotify Audio Only:
    Apple Music:
    Soundcloud: / gibiasmr
    My upload schedule:
    ►ASMR RUclips Video every Wednesday at 6pm Eastern
    ►Sponsored ASMR Video Every Saturday at 6pm Eastern
    I donate regularly to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. I highly recommend it! They give grants to scientists who do studies to better understand and treat mental illnesses.
    Find me on the internet!
    ►TWITCH/LIVESTREAMING (not ASMR!) / gggibi
    ►TWITTER: / gibiofficial
    ►INSTAGRAM: / gibiofficial
    ►TIKTOK: / gibiofficial
    Outro graphic by / flashjomm :)
    This video was edited by Shawn , my full-time editor! Give him some love: / mrthevestman
    Gibi Throwback On this day in…
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    2019 ASMR | My Favorite Trigger Items: Bags, Boxes, & Lid Tapping
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    2018 Exploring ASMR Objects with an ASMRtist {ft. Angelica}
    • Video
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    2016 What's On My Phone? (Gibi ASMR) (Soft Speaking)
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Комментарии • 889

  • @GibiASMR
    @GibiASMR  Год назад +426

    Go to today to save on your order!

  • @LavaDemon66
    @LavaDemon66 Год назад +524

    I so wish that these kinds of ASMR tests were real. I would definitely go to every single one, even if they weren't offering money, i would still go. Being a participant in a real life ASMR test would be a dream.

    • @maybee3435
      @maybee3435 Год назад +22

      I think about this a lot

    • @fujster
      @fujster Год назад +29

      Someone should really start some business there. I don't know how much people's time is worth 😅

    • @alexaf4186
      @alexaf4186 Год назад +50

      i got do to an asmr study in uni! it was for the psych dept, and lemme tell you. a real life test about asmr??? experiencing and then being asked questions about the experience??? heaven.

    • @xMoisty
      @xMoisty 6 месяцев назад +4

      Offering money? I'd happily pay for it.

    • @L-ghtlessSky
      @L-ghtlessSky 5 месяцев назад

      @@alexaf4186oh my god I’ve never been so jealous

  • @marsimane259
    @marsimane259 Год назад +103

    this video is dangerous, I've put it on several times before bed and still have no idea what happens in it, I fall asleep as soon as I lay my head on my pillow, too powerful :o

  • @hereticwaffle5514
    @hereticwaffle5514 Год назад +3458

    Attempt #42 -Can we please get an “everything is wrong” video, but it’s daisy doing it so everything just seems normal to her?
    “You say your ankle is broken…. Some people enjoy being double jointed.” “You can’t close the fingers of your left hand? Your body has decided that’s your high-five hand.”
    like keep it going it’s a very easy template-
    “you can’t smell? you don’t mind if i smoke in here then??”

  • @maggiealelew
    @maggiealelew Год назад +1097

    It breaks my heart in two hearing the warning at the end but so incredibely sweet from Gibi. COME ON RUclips

    • @Fries_Flyzzz
      @Fries_Flyzzz Год назад +20

      What happened?

    • @BoldandBrash401
      @BoldandBrash401 Год назад +329

      @@Fries_Flyzzz RUclips removed the ability for creators to disable ads at the end of videos.

    • @grizs_
      @grizs_ Год назад +114

      one more reason to use adblock

    • @amnesiawithamnesia
      @amnesiawithamnesia Год назад +26

      @@grizs_ But which one works tho

    • @grizs_
      @grizs_ Год назад

      @@amnesiawithamnesia I'm using Ublock origin, but occasionally its possible for youtube to detect it

  • @luvleiko
    @luvleiko Год назад +644

    We need an "everything is wrong" with Mistletoe for Christmas, it'd be so chaotic 😔✊

    • @JS-rv3et
      @JS-rv3et Год назад +11

      im waiting for her to upload the Tatyana videos from her bloopers.
      i saw the clips.. i doibt she deleted the video.
      its there in a file she needs to upload Tatyana

  • @millybalchin5914
    @millybalchin5914 Год назад +126

    ive been watching your videos for around 6 years now (since i was 12) and last year i developed a heart condition that gets worse when im anxious along with cfs which makes it hard to sleep most nights, your videos have helped me so much when im struggling or just need to relax😄 thank you !!

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  Год назад +54

      oh you are so welcome, thank you so much for being here!

  • @VintageToysASMR
    @VintageToysASMR Год назад +17

    32:53 It is AMAZING how tingley the light moving is!!!

  • @itsazzy1703
    @itsazzy1703 Год назад +303

    my biggest flex is that I've never seen the end of a Gibi video

    • @Dogs_crazy
      @Dogs_crazy Год назад +3

      Me neither 😅

    • @WaffleIGuess
      @WaffleIGuess Год назад +19

      Can’t relate😔 I usually need 3-4 ASMR videos to fall asleep, major insomnia

    • @mrcelim
      @mrcelim Год назад


    • @UrlocaltheaterkidZoe
      @UrlocaltheaterkidZoe 11 месяцев назад


  • @RenegadeLK
    @RenegadeLK Год назад +606

    Insomnia: I'm here to ruin your night!
    Gibi: Hold my mic.

  • @nijego
    @nijego Год назад +174

    I'd love another Ear to Ear Whispers Video. The only kind of ASMR that still gives me tingles

  • @ernie275
    @ernie275 Год назад +1027

    week four of suggesting W MAGAZINE ASMR ROLEPLAY

    • @JohnSebastianBachh
      @JohnSebastianBachh Год назад +90

      DAY ONE of supporting your idea

    • @jepps5574
      @jepps5574 Год назад +50

      @@JohnSebastianBachhDAY ONE of supporting your support 😂

    • @hazelnusseis
      @hazelnusseis Год назад +36

      @@jepps5574Day one of supporting that idea and you supporting the support!😄

    • @fujster
      @fujster Год назад +68

      I'm not continuing that shit

    • @doctors8966
      @doctors8966 Год назад +4

      I support this if it has alll the girls
      From the play
      Boy mantion

  • @Honeybeescrochet
    @Honeybeescrochet Год назад +8

    Oh my gosh!!! Im not usually a fan of non whisper asmr, but this was absolutely imcredible gibi!!! Thank you!! :))))

  • @Fridasjoy
    @Fridasjoy Год назад +29

    Your whispering is heavenly!! Do it more please!! ❤

  • @xxthee_trollerxx
    @xxthee_trollerxx Год назад +4

    I haven't watched an ASMR video in so long, and my tingle tolerance is so low now. I got tingles when you ran the items over "our scalp" on my scalp. It's glorious to be back

  • @rileysmith3038
    @rileysmith3038 Год назад +4

    that taste testing segment gave me some good tingles I don't think I've ever felt before!! extremely relaxing video, thanks Gibs 🥰💜

  • @cosmeticup.official
    @cosmeticup.official Год назад +4

    The sound is so clear and detailed. Feels like you're right beside me. 🎵👂

  • @mxisiewhexton
    @mxisiewhexton Год назад +17

    number 19 on trending!!! we absolutely love to see it✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍

  • @Starseed737
    @Starseed737 Год назад +63

    Every Gibi ASMR Video is a Ten from Ten!!!💫💫💫

  • @jrbarnett2453
    @jrbarnett2453 Год назад +80

    Guys. I’m scared. I can’t feel anything when she touches my head. Like nothing.

    • @landoland4309
      @landoland4309 10 месяцев назад +10

      🫡 good luck soldier. You haven’t much time.

    • @bigfotwenty
      @bigfotwenty Месяц назад +2

      you’re not gonna believe this…

    • @amandasmith7142
      @amandasmith7142 9 дней назад

      Should i be even more scared that i can…

  • @ColbyonFilm
    @ColbyonFilm Год назад +4

    These tests are always so interesting. It’s almost like entrancing.

    @JOEYFMISFIT Год назад +6

    That tone Gibi! That tone is so damn calming. Thank you!

  • @skilletlord3800
    @skilletlord3800 Год назад +105

    1:12 video starts 🗣️🫶

    • @tarlaugibx
      @tarlaugibx Год назад +1


    • @ColdSid
      @ColdSid Год назад +12

      Y’all couldn’t wait a minute and twelve seconds ? 😭

    • @TheGodIvy
      @TheGodIvy Год назад

      ​@@ColdSidand you would?

    • @Ази-й9к
      @Ази-й9к Год назад


  • @DaxmanAlt
    @DaxmanAlt Год назад +11

    3:17 Gibi: Do you… know…
    My brain: … The Muffin Man?

  • @MJK_12F
    @MJK_12F Год назад +6

    Gibi you are the best you have help me when times are hard you have helped me sleep and id like to thank you for helping me and putting me asleep keep on helping people your the best❤❤❤

  • @1flyingbutter
    @1flyingbutter Год назад +13

    day 1 of asking for a Shift vid where there’s a real emergency, like we are overheating and Shift is trying to fix the problem while keeping us calm. it’d be cool to see how he’s inwardly panicking but keeping his calm so that we don’t freak out.

  • @SvenHyvesson
    @SvenHyvesson Год назад +1

    Missed you Gibi and Ben both. Been away for a while. Been a lot of hard times recently. But I'm back and with yall there to help me sleep, there will be no more love covered pain.

  • @Tuckeverlastn
    @Tuckeverlastn Год назад +5

    I just love her personality so much

  • @phenixarts4185
    @phenixarts4185 Год назад +3

    the sounds for the flavors were so tingly and perfect it sounded like you were actually scraping something

  • @GnomeTheIdixt
    @GnomeTheIdixt Год назад +2

    Totally it’s 6 PM here, I’m watching this and almost falling asleep 😍-

  • @Krimso_even
    @Krimso_even Год назад +4

    i missed these type of vids so much, i wish gibi would do a barber shop asmr😊❤

  • @chloetry206
    @chloetry206 Год назад +7

    I love when Gibi feeds us. What flavors did yall get?

    • @RANDOM19106
      @RANDOM19106 10 месяцев назад

      I'm only choke the air. It's all tasted same

  • @monikaka5595
    @monikaka5595 Год назад +8

    Po długim i ciężkim dniu w pracy... idealnie ❤

  • @Lucifer_Cardozo
    @Lucifer_Cardozo Год назад +11

    After watching jerryrigs video, this casetify sponsor isn’t aging too well

    • @slimebaby1211
      @slimebaby1211 Год назад +1

      Just saw his video aswell

    • @SpiceCh
      @SpiceCh Год назад +1

      Normal Casetify cases are fine, but the stunt they pulled with "their" Inside Out line really isn't a good look. Gibi couldn't have known anything about it though.

  • @discontinued_2
    @discontinued_2 Год назад +8

    Petition for Gibi to do a cozy bedroom rating video Christmas edition 🎄🎁🧑‍🎄

  • @syrenamilani3115
    @syrenamilani3115 Год назад +2

    I really got into the visual eye strip tests, it was even better than any eye exam I have ever taken , & your voice ( is so ), soothing & calming . I feel you coukd have been a Dr. , or scientist easily ( for real ), great job !!!😍🖤❇🖤

  • @BMS_Private
    @BMS_Private Год назад +2

    00:13 hour in Poland... Best way to fall asleep

  • @hazelnusseis
    @hazelnusseis Год назад +75

    I’d ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see a W Magazine ASMR role play! I think you’d just make a genuinely so fun video!😄😂

  • @Gabby.mp4
    @Gabby.mp4 3 месяца назад +2

    You doing 13:02 in Rainbow order made it even better....

  • @Oldschool9183tube
    @Oldschool9183tube Год назад +2

    I’m literally playing you for my cat now 😳 he falls asleep every time

  • @crystalthulite3031
    @crystalthulite3031 Год назад +1

    was literally just looking for a gibi video to watch,,, what excellent timing

  • @voltage5090
    @voltage5090 Год назад +10

    something about your voice in this vid is extra relaxing, especially when talking about colors

  • @RyanReynolds-yep
    @RyanReynolds-yep Год назад +2

    1:12 if u want to skip the add but i wouldn't bc shes still relaxing while doing an add 🤪

  • @WhosNazeh
    @WhosNazeh Год назад +1

    Gibi i had a cool idea for maybe a short videos skit or maybe even a full length. But celling phone cases to different people. I always loved your casetify promos. Just food for thought

  • @TJsTinglesASMR
    @TJsTinglesASMR Год назад +2

    Ugh 😩 my favvvv kind of ASMR 🥹

  • @Taylorvidsoffical
    @Taylorvidsoffical Год назад +57

    Not saying you have to but I think it would be hysterical if for the holiday season officer Bart showed up in our bedrooms on Christmas Eve writing us up for breaking sleep law while quoting Twas the night before Christmas. Like imagine him just whisper yelling “why aren’t you settled down for a long winters nap?!” *aggressively removes sunglasses*😭

  • @VintageToysASMR
    @VintageToysASMR Год назад +5

    So many videos lately!! What a TREAT! 🥰✨

  • @desvexel840
    @desvexel840 Год назад +9

    I always love when ASMRtists get sponsored, because you know someone from that company is a huge fan and had to pitch the idea of sponsoring Gibi like, "No, no, hear me out!"

  • @qzbnyv
    @qzbnyv Год назад +9

    Well at least Casetify didn’t make you hold up their stolen Jerryrigeverything “teardown” case designs for this sponsored ad read.
    (🤞you get notified when one of your sponsors names starts trending)

    • @SpiceCh
      @SpiceCh Год назад +3

      Probably best to not take another Casetify sponsorship for a bit until this whole thing blows over, if nothing else to avoid being spammed about the situation.
      But with that said, Gibi couldn't have known they'd pull a stunt like this, so I don't think this situation reflects poorly on her. The products she has advertised with them so far have all been fine, so I don't think she needs to go back and make disclaimers on her older Casetify-sponsored videos either.

  • @lauraguglielmo
    @lauraguglielmo Год назад

    I am OBSESSED with this type of video, I just love it!! Thanks Gibi!!

  • @Jesus_sloth
    @Jesus_sloth Год назад

    31:47 the nail tapping on this light!!!! Omg!!!

  • @kotetsukaburagii
    @kotetsukaburagii Год назад +1

    i started cheering when i saw the spoons matched colors with the squares

  • @urgrandmasfavorite
    @urgrandmasfavorite Год назад

    the tingles at the beginning is so good! 😌🤍

  • @Z_Twe12e
    @Z_Twe12e Год назад +18

    Gibi has the best whispers in the ASMR game but she still does like 80% soft-spoken videos for some reason. I’d give so much just for it to be 50/50.

    • @eljaa
      @eljaa Год назад +5

      I think its partly because whispering is quite harsh on your throat/voice and i dont think gibi could keep up her current upload schedule if more of the content was whisper-heavy.

    • @jillikatescorner9810
      @jillikatescorner9810 Год назад +3

      I personaly prefer soft spoken because having hearing problems I can turn it up and still here what she's saying

    • @vanessastimson
      @vanessastimson Год назад +3

      I think some people (like myself) prefer soft spoken.

    • @quethesparkle
      @quethesparkle Год назад

      Haha why do I feel like 80% of her videos are whispered? Bc I prefer soft spoken

  • @hospitalambiencerelaxation
    @hospitalambiencerelaxation Год назад +4

    Just in time for my Saturday night sleep! 😴🌙

  • @Vegetas_hairline
    @Vegetas_hairline Год назад +4

    We just might get out of Aperture alive and well with these tests 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @noelvazquez7430
    @noelvazquez7430 Год назад +3

    Nice writing ✍️ sounds!!
    They were very relaxing! Thanks Gibi✨️

  • @o.t2001
    @o.t2001 16 дней назад

    One time gibi got me so relaxed into a deep sleep that I didn't believe it so I woke up to check it was true. And yes, she was playing the harp and humming in the potion shop video. That was so good it was ridiculous.

  • @EyeofLamia
    @EyeofLamia Год назад +1

    I thought I saw the last video's thumbnail change! 😅😆 I can't wait to watch!

  • @PavitrStan4Life
    @PavitrStan4Life Год назад +3

    i cant sleep until you post. girl. Does that mean i dont sleep for three days straight? Yes.

  • @yas_p08
    @yas_p08 Год назад +1

    Gibi I beg of you to do a scalp check video with sticks or wooden tweezers, they are the only thing that give me the biggest tingles and you are the best asmr for it 🫶🤞

  • @alexgibs
    @alexgibs Год назад +5

    I love the color combination, with the red and blue I felt like I was trying a tutsi pop📍!!,,, that blue necklace distracted me a lot, it's pretty

  • @Toasty_Voorhees
    @Toasty_Voorhees Год назад +3

    I cannot prevent passing out while watching your videos they always put me to sleep with how calming they are

  • @GoldMotive
    @GoldMotive Год назад +2

    When ever I watch these I feel like I’m going to get a note for a day off shcool

  • @rebeccagallagher7013
    @rebeccagallagher7013 Год назад +3


  • @zach99999
    @zach99999 Год назад

    I really like these ASMR test videos, lots of fun triggers 🥰

  • @nonnysingz9097
    @nonnysingz9097 Год назад +5

    Gibi: “Do you know” and I immediately respond: “The muffin man?”

  • @stephieclaire5497
    @stephieclaire5497 Год назад +1

    I really love this thst I've watched it about 4 times so I can actually see it And not just sleep through it 😅

  • @Headpunch
    @Headpunch Год назад

    It took me 4 days to finish watching this video because I kept falling asleep. Enjoyed 👍👍👍

  • @tyraelhermosa
    @tyraelhermosa Год назад

    Your creative output is astonishing. I have a lot of respect for you.
    Great video btw.

  • @Cheese_Ham_Sandwich
    @Cheese_Ham_Sandwich 7 месяцев назад +1

    10:41 pov:every Italian trying to explain something

  • @rumsurge6248
    @rumsurge6248 Год назад

    When gibi uploads I wake up and go back to sleep while watching the new upload

    @NRGDYT 11 месяцев назад


  • @shireenqasimm
    @shireenqasimm Год назад +5

    empty space so i can stop reading comments and actually sleep ✨🦋
    goodnight everyone 🧚🏼‍♀️

  • @juanpaulolegaspi7341
    @juanpaulolegaspi7341 9 месяцев назад

    This is the true asmr voice. Not a false voice, almost like a falsetto.

  • @liliththelilin
    @liliththelilin Год назад

    never expected you to have so many tattoos! they look super cool from what i could see

  • @naingaung2748
    @naingaung2748 Год назад

    Thanks Gibi, the skull/nose measurements were the best part of this asmr.

  • @justbumblebee1
    @justbumblebee1 Год назад +4

    Day 1 of asking Gibi to do an entire video about fabric scratching 🙈

  • @LucasPlay171
    @LucasPlay171 Год назад +1

    Day thirty four! of asking Gibi for another unintelligible whispering video 🤫

  • @molchmolchmolchmolch
    @molchmolchmolchmolch Год назад +1

    Hi Gibi 😊 Thanks for all the awesome videos and for being you but somewhere where we can all enjoy it

  • @ThatGirlNoOneKnows
    @ThatGirlNoOneKnows 11 месяцев назад +1

    Gibi... The Asmrtist who actually writes words.

  • @bigdeuce1127
    @bigdeuce1127 Год назад +7

    Can't go wrong with your whispering/soft spoken voice & your videos are absolutely amazing 😁❤️

  • @AceTheLocalReaper
    @AceTheLocalReaper Год назад +30

    I would love to see an asmr video that loops say every 15minutes but every loop gets slightly more scary/wierd until it’s just deranged

  • @florastanley5901
    @florastanley5901 Год назад +1

    I got so many tingles, thank you!

  • @PrestonsPyrotechnics
    @PrestonsPyrotechnics Год назад +2

    i’ve been waiting for this a long time🎉

  • @akshitprasanna6134
    @akshitprasanna6134 Год назад +2

    Hey Gibi love the videos!!! Keep making us sleep every night love from 🇸🇦

  • @SourenA_Ebrahimi
    @SourenA_Ebrahimi Год назад

    I fell asleep right after the ad. Power of this video ✨

  • @WorryWert
    @WorryWert Год назад

    Imma be honest atp I don't even watch ur asmr for sleep anymore I just wanna see what crazy experiment you'll whip up next😂😂😂
    I'm always surprised

  • @ziyadasmr6182
    @ziyadasmr6182 Год назад +1

    I’m very happy Thx u Gibi ASMR Big love for you I wish you relaxing week ❤

  • @ijustrokeupp
    @ijustrokeupp Год назад +1

    medical style roleplays are the best plz plz more

  • @lordfrug4615
    @lordfrug4615 5 месяцев назад +11

    3:17 do you know... the muffin man?

    • @Yukokaiser
      @Yukokaiser 2 месяца назад +1

      The muffin maaannn!!!😂🧁

    • @sauce_god4764
      @sauce_god4764 28 дней назад +2

      Came to the comments just to see if someone made the joke. glad I did

    • @simmonedavis98
      @simmonedavis98 20 дней назад +1

      Who lives on Dreary Lane? 👀

  • @oliviaJohnsonn
    @oliviaJohnsonn Год назад +3837

    Why I always feel so submissive in all these asmr test exams?😭😭😭

    • @paddym-k9792
      @paddym-k9792 Год назад +1850

      not me I dom tf out of the practitioners

    • @GuyThatLikesFrogs
      @GuyThatLikesFrogs Год назад +250


    • @votHolera
      @votHolera Год назад +211


    • @Munakotka
      @Munakotka Год назад

      No one is buying your onlyfans.

    • @ShhhItsNotMe
      @ShhhItsNotMe Год назад +1020

      "-Close your eyes"
      "- No YOU close your eyes "

  • @mavio7111
    @mavio7111 Год назад +1

    gibi ily!! 🍰✨

  • @elizabethadams7744
    @elizabethadams7744 10 месяцев назад

    You tricked me so good with the castify add. You made it into an asmr which is GENIUS and kept me watching the ENTIRE video this time without skipping. Kind of want to buy a case now though because recycled materials 👀

    @NATIIVI Год назад

    Gibi is amazing. Been a good 5 years!

  • @SoundsforSlumberASMR
    @SoundsforSlumberASMR Год назад

    Sleep is guaranteed! Goodnight y'all ❤

  • @libz.yaknow
    @libz.yaknow 9 месяцев назад +2

    Tastes: strawberry jello, crunchy Cheetos, over cooked scrambled egg, hard. Peas maybe, chlorine water, blue raspberry jolly rancher.

  • @Liliana633
    @Liliana633 Год назад +1


  • @mattkane00
    @mattkane00 Год назад

    Gibi is the ultimate in world building.

  • @mckennawong3936
    @mckennawong3936 Год назад

    Guys plz SOS I was trying to choose a Gibi video to fall asleep to and one of her older videos (maybe 1-2 years ago?) surfaced in my memory and now I need it. All I remember is that it had a green tea tree oil lotion and the dolce cabana perfume

    • @mckennawong3936
      @mckennawong3936 Год назад +1

      Omg ok found it!! Gentle triggers for a good nights sleep 2 yrs ago 😫😫 this used to be my go to