graduating hs is so hard! things are gonna change, but even when friends leave some come back from break and you can keep in touch while they are away! i go to a state school as well and theyre p good! the one i go to even has dorms (im not sure if you have that opportunity tho). art school is awesome, it depends on what major you want to take and the occupation you're looking for afterwards... i do graphic design (growing field), so i dont know what a fine arts program would be like. you should go to school for what you want though, or it will most likely be miserable and even harder on you. what other things are u interested in going to school for? (sorry for the long reply!)
uwu hewwo good job i'm proud of you. i only passed one of my midterms and i'll be taking 2 exams in december and 3 in january lol i hate going to classes and i can't wait for winter break. what else is new with you
hey its so good to hear from you!! college apps are so stressful, im proud of u for doing them. hopefully u can get some rest!
i hope you are well... im glad u like my stamp dkjfghkdfjh it seems didnt go to art school for nothin
hello i have come back from the grave
i hope u are doing well. i saw a notification of the message u sent in my email... u are so sweet. thank u so much.
i apologize for my lateness
please accept my return gift from my travels
Her, I had seen only once since I began my service to Naamah, and that at one of Delaunay’s
gatherings; although I had thought of her often, you may be sure. In the courtyard, she shone, no less
for her beauty than her barbed wit. To me she was courteous and pleasant; but I encountered her in the
hall, on my way back from an errand to the kitchen, and her smile made my knees weak.
“Turn around,” she murmured.
I did it without even thinking.
Her fingers unbuttoned the back of my bodice as skillfully as an adept’s; indeed, I could have
sworn the fabric yearned open at her mere touch. I felt her nails against my skin, tracing the base of
my marque, following it upward. Her body radiated behind me and I could smell the scent she used,
subtle and spicy, mixed with the musk of her flesh.
“Your name is being spoken in certain circles, Phèdre.” Only the tips of her fingers touched me, but
she was close enough that her breath was warm on my neck. The amusement in her voice reminded
me of Delaunay; nothing else did. “You’ve never given the signale, have you?”
“No.” I breathed the word, unable to summon the strength to speak it.
“I thought not.” Melisande Shahrizai laid her palm flat in the small of my back, where it burned like
a brand, then drew it away and did up my buttons, quick and professional. I could hear her smile in
the darkness. “Some day we will see which throws truer, Kushiel’s line or Kushiel’s Dart
I felt a touch on the back on my neck.
I knew her voice; it sent a shiver of cold fire down my spine. I looked up to see Melisande
Shahrizai smiling down upon me.
“Why are you here alone?” she asked. “Surely you would not disdain my hospitality.”
I stood quickly, brushing off my skirts. “No, my lady.”
“Good.” She was standing close enough that I could feel her warmth. It was too dark to see the blue
of her eyes, but I could see the langorous sweep of her lashes. “Do you know what they say in
Kusheth about sinners in Kushiel’s charge?” she asked, running the tip of one finger over my lower
lip. I shook my head, dazed by her nearness. “It is said that when offered the chance for repentance,
they refused it for love of their lord.” With the same hand, she undid my hair, letting it fall in a
cascade. “I believe I have found the perfect gift for Prince Baudoin tonight,” she said casually,
twining her hand in my hair. “You.” Jerking her grip tight, she brought me hard up against her and
kissed me.
I gasped when she released me and sat down hard on the rim of the fountain, unable to stand, the
entire length of my body throbbing from the sudden contact with hers. She had bitten my lip, and I
touched it with my tongue, wondering if she had drawn blood. Melisande laughed, the sound liquid in
the moonlight
It's been so long since I came here! How are you? :3
I'm on my last days of went way too fast u.u
College's starting on Wednesday for me and I still have to move out tomorrow (6 hours in a car is not something I'm really excited for...)
And I still have a lot of things to watch but that's the best part of course :3
All Comments (414) Comments
i hope you are well... im glad u like my stamp dkjfghkdfjh it seems didnt go to art school for nothin
i hope u are doing well. i saw a notification of the message u sent in my email... u are so sweet. thank u so much.
i apologize for my lateness
please accept my return gift from my travels
i haven't started yet but boy am i stressed
omg congrats
Well you eventually did it and it looks great :-)
that's so wise it brought tears to my eyes #FursonasMatter
I'm on my last days of went way too fast u.u
College's starting on Wednesday for me and I still have to move out tomorrow (6 hours in a car is not something I'm really excited for...)
And I still have a lot of things to watch but that's the best part of course :3
Enough about me though. Tell me about you :)
i've been.....pretty dead
what about you?