HERES WHY ITS TIME TO BUY! - Car Market Update -

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 385

  • @rickrounds5150
    @rickrounds5150 4 дня назад +33

    I'd much rather read the comments than watch these videos, they're more entertaining.

    • @edkalsbeek1765
      @edkalsbeek1765 4 дня назад +3

      Yes and he talks tooooo much. Repeats

    • @ashvandal5697
      @ashvandal5697 3 дня назад +2

      If you’ve seen one of these car videos, you’ve basically seen them all.

  • @rschin66
    @rschin66 3 дня назад +3

    So, you own a car dealer in New Hampshire and your opinion is that we should buy a car now. That makes sense.

  • @dave3657
    @dave3657 4 дня назад +11

    I was going to buy one when the pandemic hit. So I waited and now the prices are ridiculous. And I don’t want a wet belt, or tiny turbo four, or a dashboard full of confusing screens.
    So I just put tires, brakes, struts, etc on my existing vehicles.
    When they make decent cars again, I will try again.

    • @Chubbycat747
      @Chubbycat747 4 дня назад +1

      My old junkers have split bench seats with no giant middle console, and column shift lever. I can man-spread in comfort w/o being shoe-horned into a crapped area with plastic sides jamming into my legs.

    • @nghethuat5710
      @nghethuat5710 2 дня назад

      Same here.

    • @speedyd8150
      @speedyd8150 2 дня назад

      I can't afford a new car. Soon as the pandemic hit my Toyota took a crap and thankfully I managed to find a cheap 2008 Mazda 3 with only 108,000 miles. I paid $2200 and it's been going strong this whole time.
      The way I see it, after a car payment, insurance etc.. my car has already paid for itself.

  • @justicereborn8296
    @justicereborn8296 14 часов назад

    You just earned a new subscriber. I appreciate the honesty. Hope you make sales $$$

  • @vanvanho4105
    @vanvanho4105 5 дней назад +275

    You work for 42yrs to have $2m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $20k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

    • @socha1291
      @socha1291 5 дней назад +1

      Well explain thank you for bringing up this video Financial education is indeed required for more than 80% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject. The value of the US🇺🇲 dollar is declining due to inflation, but it is increasing in comparison to other currencies and commodities such as gold and real estate. I'm worried that rising inflation will cause my $550k in my retirement funds to lose value, But with the help of Mrs Sonia I hit $220k this week from my investment of $45k, I am truly grateful for all the knowledge and nuggets you have given me over the past few months.

    • @NganPhan-l1k
      @NganPhan-l1k 5 дней назад +1

      I have been seeing so many recommendations about Mrs Sonia , she must be really good.

    • @phintrieu1357
      @phintrieu1357 5 дней назад

      ..? Am a newbie in crypto investment, please can you guide me through on how you made profit?

    • @NgọcánhNguyễnThị-x8b
      @NgọcánhNguyễnThị-x8b 5 дней назад

      I'm glad to write her tay I do hope she will help handle my paycheck properly

    • @NgọcánhNguyễnThị-x8b
      @NgọcánhNguyễnThị-x8b 5 дней назад

      Can I start with as low as $1000

  • @jrs4ex
    @jrs4ex 4 дня назад +3

    Ford dealer in my town just closed. Heard a Jeep dealer is doing a special... buy a Wagoneer at 116k MSRP get a Jeep compass for free 😂

  • @mired914
    @mired914 4 дня назад +13

    Seems like every video you have put out recently is the same thing repeated. lol

    • @camerons6466
      @camerons6466 2 дня назад +1

      He’s a car salesman or he being paid to tell you to buy now

    • @camerons6466
      @camerons6466 2 дня назад

      A car should not cost more than $10k to $15k

    • @macho324
      @macho324 17 часов назад

      @@camerons6466 it’s not going to be a new car then

  • @impalanar
    @impalanar 5 дней назад +3

    Here is why it's time to learn to work on your car.

  • @martylee9035
    @martylee9035 5 дней назад +6

    AN ALL BLACK HUMMER W/OUT A/C IN FLORIDA!!! NOBODY WANTS THAT thing down there. Its worth 5k maybe a hair more.

  • @robertmcmahon1807
    @robertmcmahon1807 4 дня назад +2

    Seems Bro has a severe conflict of interest here. "Please buy a car, please!"

  • @cactuswillable
    @cactuswillable 5 дней назад +8

    New cars are high. Used have gotten very cheap once you consider the cost of parts, tires, etc. Why sell a car for less than the value of the engine and tires?

  • @PatRichardson-c7f
    @PatRichardson-c7f 2 дня назад

    Thank you for an honest explanation of times👍

  • @jdanorthwest
    @jdanorthwest 5 дней назад +23

    No no no ... now is a terrible time to buy. The economy is going in the dumpster within the next year. Wait, and you can buy that new car at dumpster diver prices!

    • @davidboreham
      @davidboreham День назад

      Depends. If there is raging inflation then owning an asset is better than having devaluing currency.

  • @webmastersof
    @webmastersof 5 дней назад +11

    I have been flipping cars for the past seven years in Michigan. For the first time in seven years I am not able to find a car to flip on marketplace or Craigslist. Everything that is listed is pure junk that needs thousands of dollars worth of work and the sellers want top dollar for the vehicles as though there's nothing wrong with them. Has anyone else been flipping cars and noticed that there is nothing but junk on marketplace and Craigslist?

    • @monofrio6804
      @monofrio6804 5 дней назад +3

      I’ve just been trying to find a used car down here in Florida for around 5k for my daughter’s first car and it’s near impossible. Everything in that price point is straight junk. Wasted my time like 10 times already. They look good in pictures and in person they are trash. Going to buy a used Tesla for my wife and let daughter drive my wife’s 2022

    • @delsondaniels9830
      @delsondaniels9830 5 дней назад +3

      @webmastersof buy my 2011 ford focus. Daily driver still got the cats on it. $2,000

    • @skyfalltv4477
      @skyfalltv4477 5 дней назад +1

      Yes... that's why I didn't renew my license in December 2024

    • @nicknuggets369
      @nicknuggets369 4 дня назад +1

      Sounds about right. I spent about 2 months looking for a flip here in Milwaukee. I feel like I got very lucky and found a great flip for 1600. It was a grandma car, the guy selling it told me straight up he was just breaking even. Seems everything else is 1000 dollars priced to high..

  • @cartergarnon6299
    @cartergarnon6299 4 дня назад

    You deserve all of the success coming to you Craig

  • @Budgetfishing530
    @Budgetfishing530 4 дня назад +2

    lol no discounts in California still want 80k for a base xlt truck and have tons of add ons they are dropping the price n jacking it back up with the add ons . I’m glad they are hurting serves them right as they are very greedy and rip people off !!

  • @srt_rell09
    @srt_rell09 5 дней назад +60

    The people have woken, nobody is in a rush to purchase over priced junk with high interest rates and insurance rates. Debt free freedom is more valuable than the illusion of success. Game over....

    • @last9up
      @last9up 5 дней назад +6

      It's crazy watching the market flip. A few years ago not a lot of people cared about being financially literate. Now so many people are learning. It's amazing :)

    • @iamaninvestment5740
      @iamaninvestment5740 5 дней назад +1

      ❤ Amen

    • @TheRealMrRoboto
      @TheRealMrRoboto 5 дней назад +1

      Not that, but the junk they sell you isnt even yours anymore, they make you buy shit like a subscription for heated seats and remote start... fuck that.

    • @adn0072
      @adn0072 5 дней назад

      Well say, im European my self and I see the same thing in EU, things are going crazy last years, people said enough is enough. of course millionaires and billionaires... is different story

  • @royperry2859
    @royperry2859 3 дня назад

    Depends on your local market.

  • @chrisg723
    @chrisg723 4 дня назад

    We'll start looking at used cars again in December. Prices are to high now during spring selling season.

  • @Slipknot-fm8zl
    @Slipknot-fm8zl 5 дней назад +29

    Used car owner/ salesman says it’s the best time to buy a car now…..shocking. It’s still the worst time to buy a car w/ interest rates and mark ups even with discounts is still way overpriced. Nice try con man but no one w/ any common sense is gonna listen to your advice

    • @jimsteinway695
      @jimsteinway695 5 дней назад +2

      My neighbor wanted a new truck. So did I. I sold him my 22 F150 tremor for $53,000 with 22,000 miles. I went to Chevy and bought a new trail boss LT MSRP was $74,120 I got it for $59,550. Paid cash for the $8000 difference. I don’t think he’s pulling your leg. You just have to do a bit of research. New lots are overflowing with inventory . Our Chevy dealer had $15,000 discounts all over the lot on trucks . This was in Idaho not Florida or New Hampshire
      He telling the truth, but it’s still up to you to do your due diligence. Not blindly take his word for it.

    • @mcollette
      @mcollette 5 дней назад +4

      @@jimsteinway695 Im from Idaho too. I see your old truck the tremor selling for $48k. You screwed you neighbor haha

    • @jimsteinway695
      @jimsteinway695 5 дней назад

      @ we looked up Kelly blue book. With the packages I had it was $53 book so I’m guessing you’re not smart enough to understand there’s a 401A low cost version and a 402A package with every option. That books for $53k. Maybe you should invest in some education classes . Plus you don’t know anything about the lift I did the upgrade in wheels and tires plus full front protection film. The only thing that got screwed was your education level. Haha . My neighbor got a great deal. Good to know you enjoy screwing your neighbors

  • @James-qq2vq
    @James-qq2vq 4 дня назад +1

    I completely disagree. Interest rates were lowered just to get you to buy at current cost. Wait another year until dealerships are so desperate they have to cut costs to an all-time low.

  • @8650mack
    @8650mack 5 дней назад +84

    Prices still too high even with discounts

  • @willmak242
    @willmak242 4 дня назад +1

    When I can buy new sienna under invoice price? 😅

  • @oneiros1401
    @oneiros1401 5 дней назад +2

    Hold the line. Do not buy right now. It's going to get worse for them.

  • @reggiecarreiro1038
    @reggiecarreiro1038 3 дня назад

    I may be a little ol school but when people started paying over a 1k a month for over priced pickups , and cars somethings gotta give.

  • @timothythompson4036
    @timothythompson4036 День назад +1

    This guy Craig is buying luxury cars to make RUclips content. Of course, he is taking losses, he is only buying them to look like a big shot. His RUclips channel is making money, his car dealership isn't. Anyone else see the issue?

  • @WilliamSchlott
    @WilliamSchlott 5 дней назад +62

    Choice 1: Buy a new still over priced car that isn't as good as the old cars.
    Choice 2: Buy an over priced used car that might need stuff.
    Choice 3: Drive your current paid off car that you know and watch the dealers squirm.

    • @ben-yi3nh
      @ben-yi3nh 5 дней назад +7

      Defiantly choice 3. I will never buy another car from a stealership again, and will not overpay for 10-20 years old used car.

    • @DRose2Fast
      @DRose2Fast 4 дня назад +1

      @@ben-yi3nhgood man

  • @Danny-bd1ch
    @Danny-bd1ch 5 дней назад +47

    Never buy a new car for personal use. Worst investment ever. Buy used car from a person, not a company.

    • @youstolemyhandleyoutwat
      @youstolemyhandleyoutwat 5 дней назад

      A car is NEVER AN INVESTMENT. a car is NOT AN ASSET. If you need a car, and you CAN AFFORD IT, get whatever the fuck you want. New, used, expensive, cheap.
      Buy a car if you want a fucking car. You're not promised tomorrow. But don't do it thinking "this is an investment"

    • @robertdorris5393
      @robertdorris5393 5 дней назад +15

      A car is not an investment. It's an appliance. A tool with one purpose.

    • @brokeduece1691
      @brokeduece1691 5 дней назад +5

      Private sales are cost more.

    • @Danny-bd1ch
      @Danny-bd1ch 5 дней назад +2

      @ Nope

    • @VinnyTheChin11
      @VinnyTheChin11 5 дней назад +8

      I got one even better, buy salvaged at auction and repair it and you get a almost new car or the car that you wanted at a veryy good price. That's all i do and do my own repairs and body work when needed.

  • @Dorightby
    @Dorightby 5 дней назад +4

    You did not buy it right that isn’t the same model hum vee you sold for 50k man come on crag

  • @boomerlasvegas4951
    @boomerlasvegas4951 4 дня назад +2

    I remember when you would buy reasonable cars at the auction for future purchases ( Like Tax returns ) wow have time have changed buy cars for views to sell at a loss for videos !

  • @dlrgaming8026
    @dlrgaming8026 2 дня назад

    Until they sell new cars for under 20k I won't buy them ever again.

  • @skiptsu914
    @skiptsu914 2 дня назад

    sold my 1996 Ford in Nov 2024 to a Cali government sponsored program, hated to part ways with my daily driver, owned 26 of those 28 years, been looking for a late model USED Lexus but with the low inventory during the covid/supply chain issues and low lease returns, the inventory is low with premium prices...not much depreciation, I bot my Ford 2 years old with 39,000 miles and paid 60% of original MSRP. I guess I have to daily drive my 1986 Benz until I find something but no more Fords with their current high recall rates in the past few years

  •  5 дней назад +2

    Now add in the tariff issue with the auto industry and prices are going to go up.

  • @Dutch1982
    @Dutch1982 5 дней назад +7

    This is a car correction: far from a car crash.

  •  5 дней назад +4

    There is a story out that amazon is going to start flogging used cars.
    Now that is a train wreck in the making.

  • @iki911
    @iki911 3 дня назад

    Ok. Sell low and buy high. Got it

  • @hansjensen7823
    @hansjensen7823 5 дней назад +9

    Last time I checked, Florida and New Hampshire are on the same side of the country

  • @alanheadrick7997
    @alanheadrick7997 4 дня назад

    I received a sales email from the military car sales, it was full price and thousands of dollars of add-on non sense. We need to see massive business failures before prices will come down. Or Chinese cars flooding the market.

  • @edwinmontero3843
    @edwinmontero3843 4 дня назад

    Where in Florida you said? Even with incentives, the cars are really expensive and payments are over $800 a month! I think there’s something wrong… vehicles will never be an investment, I’m sorry, not sorry…!

  • @PumaPete
    @PumaPete 5 дней назад +8

    New vehicles are absolute garbage these days. I won’t be buying one any time soon

  • @user-vq4rg8tj8y
    @user-vq4rg8tj8y 4 дня назад

    Hunks of depreciating medal, I feel bad for the buyers who got bamboozled during covid.

  • @tc7584
    @tc7584 5 дней назад +3

    I just sold my home in the midwest for 40k more than I paid 10 months ago. It seems solid here still. I didn't want to sell that quickly but had to due to federal employee changes as I wasn't at the job for a year and Trump took over.

  • @airbourne2
    @airbourne2 5 дней назад +7

    You left out that new car quality is shit. I suppose you could lease it cause there will be issues.

  • @dalemccree5841
    @dalemccree5841 5 дней назад +34

    Never listen to a car dealer telling you that it’s time to buy a car wait another year in this economy it will come crashing and cars will be even cheaper in a better deal. They won’t make it out of 2026 the way everything‘s going most car dealers are going to be out of business. You’ll be able to catch a lot of going out of business sales next year.

  • @AutoAuctionRebuilds
    @AutoAuctionRebuilds 5 дней назад +2

    Your best bet as a used dealer is to make friends with your local new car dealers. They take trades all day and send 99% of them to auction. They love selling to smaller dealers. They skip prep, fees, and transport to the auctions, while we skip auction fees and fighting to pay the highest price to win a bid.

  • @OnSmashMedia
    @OnSmashMedia 5 дней назад +10

    Yea sorry dude but you’re not successful because of the cars you buy. You buy undesirable vehicles. No one wants a hum v that has nothing and doesn’t even require a key to start. No one is going to want that Mercedes either. Your not to good at reading the room man.

  • @BeezeBuildz
    @BeezeBuildz 5 дней назад +4

    Very well stated Craig. I had this exact conversation with a long time customer today.

  • @michaelmanley8046
    @michaelmanley8046 3 дня назад

    I love your show! but when it tales 10 minutes to type in theses long names of upload's?

  • @nh3rd547
    @nh3rd547 4 дня назад

    I would feel more comfortable spending.Thirty thousand dollars on a twenty year old truck in Is good condition versus a newer used truck at thirty thousand

  • @hastility
    @hastility 5 дней назад +131

    First of all :) Thanks for the informative video. Your information is fantastic, but you have to understand that it's essentially about investing. I advise traders, especially beginners, to analyze the market before they start. I have to say that trading offers more benefits than just owning cryptocurrencies. Many thanks to Winning Mars for keeping me up to date with my crypto investments. I'm glad I started his program.

    • @kadagaari
      @kadagaari 5 дней назад

      I'm glad people know him now. It was an honor to work with Winning Mars. 🤲🏻 I'm still taking his trading course.

    • @illeraseneth
      @illeraseneth 5 дней назад

      How do I go about it? I'm still a beginner in investment trading, and how can I make profits? 🙏

    • @hastility
      @hastility 5 дней назад

      He's mainly active on Telegram under the username 👎👎.

    • @hastility
      @hastility 5 дней назад

      @concretesignal✌...that's all.

    • @hastility
      @hastility 5 дней назад

      Please tell him I recommended you. 👍

  • @Mark-et8vh
    @Mark-et8vh 5 дней назад +3

    Man, that Acura is practically a classic. What a gorgeous car that was.

  • @roycervantes1341
    @roycervantes1341 2 дня назад

    Flying Wheels,,,,,,,,,,Yeee Yeee

  • @WildDigger
    @WildDigger 5 дней назад +2

    Over here at Greater Atlanta Auto Auction we have a few new car dealers bringing in leftover new vehicles. We have had cars and trucks that have less than 500 delivery miles on them from as far back as 2023 but still new.

  • @ddutsie
    @ddutsie 5 дней назад +30

    a military hummer in florida with no ac, can't imagine how hot that black beast gets in summer

    • @VinnyTheChin11
      @VinnyTheChin11 5 дней назад +5

      Lmaooo anywhere in the south oo lord. Fkn melt your seats in 1 week.

    • @gre7687
      @gre7687 5 дней назад +3

      bring a lot of water

    • @hubertdeyette5070
      @hubertdeyette5070 5 дней назад +3

      My black truck was too hot in Florida.

    • @liamdoherty4723
      @liamdoherty4723 5 дней назад +3

      @@hubertdeyette5070 My black avalanche with air conditioning was too hot, one thing you learn about cars and florida, never buy a dark colored vehicle and don't ever, ever buy one without a/c.

    • @alvisserrano9797
      @alvisserrano9797 5 дней назад

      Racist comment black beast shame on you ...

  • @neildobbs7177
    @neildobbs7177 4 дня назад

    Nothing earns money when it sat there doing nothing. Keep your stock always moving. If you leave it sat there it’s called dead money.

  • @oscargomez8228
    @oscargomez8228 5 дней назад


  • @briandrake9467
    @briandrake9467 5 дней назад +2

    6:40 re-watch fast and loud. Rule 238, if you're going to take a lost do it fast.

    • @chno_144
      @chno_144 5 дней назад

      So true. A fast nickel is better then a slow dime

  • @robertdorris5393
    @robertdorris5393 5 дней назад

    Both sides of the country? Where's the West Coast?

  • @aussmash
    @aussmash 5 дней назад +15

    Car dealers are still try to charge mark-ups. They are dreaming.

  • @robertdavis5714
    @robertdavis5714 5 дней назад

    Motorcycle Industry has been is inevitable that Cars are next.

  • @esmoglo
    @esmoglo 5 дней назад

    Not enough discounts on 2024 leftovers looked at a Broncos not even 10% off 16 months old let them rot

    • @Derek-pq3zb
      @Derek-pq3zb 5 дней назад

      Agreed!!…I tried getting a 24 leftover accord sport hybrid. They only wanted to give $1200 off. Meanwhile 2026’s are 5-6 months away. 4-5k off. Then I’ll budge

  • @toriless
    @toriless 5 дней назад

    6.24% APR is not 0%, I paid 1.9% in the past.

  • @jbeav3902
    @jbeav3902 3 дня назад

    You never see warren Buffett on you tube. I made 10 billion last month. He buys and sells.

  • @boosted_red8294
    @boosted_red8294 5 дней назад

    Not with these interest rates...

  • @BIG-Jared
    @BIG-Jared 4 дня назад

    This is Jim Kramer-esque

  • @coasttocoast1140
    @coasttocoast1140 5 дней назад

    im pleased you put this video up ,im un the uk and struggling to sell any cars ,just started to drop the prices ,fingers crossed

  • @speedyd8150
    @speedyd8150 2 дня назад

    A car salesman making a video to tell people it's the perfect time to buy cars. No way.

  • @morningbeachsunshine7496
    @morningbeachsunshine7496 5 дней назад +5

    "Both sides of the country" - New Hampshire and Florida... Being from New England I understand why he thinks it and said it, but it is so wrong and ignorant.

  • @aaronbritt2025
    @aaronbritt2025 4 дня назад

    No, you overpaid for the Humvee. The H1 is not the same as a Humvee. I make decent money selling one or two cars at a time out of my house. No overhead.

  • @skiptsu914
    @skiptsu914 2 дня назад

    NOW ITS NOT THE TIME TO BUY A CAR WHETHER NEW OR USED. Manufacturers now only provide the expensive upper trim all option out models since consumers were willing to pay additional market adjustments to the MSRP during the pandemic. We have those idiots to thank for and they now have enormous negative equity on their pandemic purchases. The low interest rates and incentives are only for those high inventory 2023/2024 models and models with high days on market. Even with incentives, the prices of new models are still too expensive as manufacturers raised prices 30-50% in the last 5 years. Jeep Wagoneers and Superduty pickups are price over $100K and the Maverick Tremor is priced over $50K.
    EVs have the most incentives and best leasing terms since the early adopters already bot with no one else left to buy and Trump reversing the mandate. Current average new car interest rate is around 7% and 14% average for used cars. About 80% of buyers buy using a car loan. I have seen subprime rates on used vehicles as high as 25% on yusuf's channel. People just want the car not thinking about the long term affects on their life and credit. Greater than 48 months loan term is not the way to go just to get ones desired monthly payment amount unless they will keep the car until it dies...otherwise with longer term loans the negative equity will start increasing on month one.
    Newer used car inventory is very low since during the pandemic new car inventory was very low with not much leasing. With lower newer used car inventory, less than normal lease returns, and current in spring buying [tax returns], used cars are priced at a premium...not the right time to buy used car either.
    Craig did not do his homework

  • @davealmer3803
    @davealmer3803 5 дней назад

    Why would ANYONE waste 30K on a vehicle like that..not even niche complete stupidity.

  • @AutoAuctionRebuilds
    @AutoAuctionRebuilds 5 дней назад +3

    Try being a wholesale dealer that specializes in hurricane flood cars with salvage titles. Thank goodness for RUclips lol.

  • @mobilemowers
    @mobilemowers 5 дней назад

    Where what I learned by watching crying wheels, don't take Craigs advice. Don't by cars holesale and resell wholesale.

  • @louisstennes3
    @louisstennes3 5 дней назад

    Payback-Sweet Sweet Sweet!

  • @TopNotchHater
    @TopNotchHater Час назад

    Goes to site for Craig's "new inventory".... right.... 😅

  • @SadieCarpenter-ft4he
    @SadieCarpenter-ft4he 5 дней назад +24

    You have made my day with this video!

  • @mike30534
    @mike30534 5 дней назад +8

    Every school district in every state is looking for school bus drivers. Most have great healthcare packages with family coverage that's practically free. Most districts have retirement programs with as little as 10 years to be vested. So, you go in early in the morning, you're done by 8:30, buy and sell cars until about 2:30, you're home by 4, then you sell cars online, enjoy life and you only work 180 days per year. I've been doing it for 27 years and I'm surprised more entrepreneurs aren't lined up for those jobs every day.

    • @webmastersof
      @webmastersof 5 дней назад

      Are you still able to find cars to flip on marketplace or Craigslist? Here in Michigan there is nothing on there except for junk cars that the sellers want too much for

    • @askadad7355
      @askadad7355 5 дней назад

      Most districts don't offer any benefits other than pay to be a bus driver anymore. Thats why they are short staffed.

    • @mcollette
      @mcollette 5 дней назад

      How much do you make as a bus driver

    • @askadad7355
      @askadad7355 5 дней назад

      @mcollette were I live, they start at 20 an hr. No benefits.

  • @RedwoodGhost80
    @RedwoodGhost80 4 дня назад

    That humvee was listed on Sarasota marketplace for 40k…… you want 15k I would have came got it if listed for that price over 16 weeks ago…… thought you wanted to roll that money into something why not lower the price to where is an acceptable loss before going to auction save the transport and auction fees?..

  • @johnharlow9729
    @johnharlow9729 3 дня назад

    I have only bought one new vehicle in my life and I will never buy another one ever again. Always but used. Let another sucker take the depreciation hit

  • @Chris-Smith
    @Chris-Smith 3 дня назад

    every car youtuber for the last 3 years: DONT BUY, PRICES WILL CRASH 50%
    every car youtuber for the last 2 years: DONT BUY, PRICES WILL CRASH 40%
    every car youtuber for the last 1 year: DONT BUY, PRICES WILL CRASH 30%
    every car youtuber now: Dont bother, car prices will never crash, they will just ship them overseas, sell them for parts, or the car makers will scrap it for a tax write off

  • @dustoff1472
    @dustoff1472 5 дней назад +17

    A vehicle is never an investment, no matter how nice they are. Tks for sharing.

    • @jimsteinway695
      @jimsteinway695 5 дней назад +1

      Depends. Ive bought 3 911 GT3s in the last 20 years. Never lost a dime on one. My last 2018 GT3 was $155,000 otd. Just sold it for $190. The other two weren’t that good but I didn’t lose anything. Try that with a Camry

    • @sat_sonic
      @sat_sonic 5 дней назад +4

      Buying high-end exotic vehicles is similar to buying art. It is speculation, not investing.

  • @drewapple9681
    @drewapple9681 2 дня назад

    I say let them new cars rot why for them times them dealers were hitting the public with adjusted prices and marking them up with crazy prices. If us the public stops buying the prices have to come down. 100 thousand dollar trucks small little cars for 40 grand it stupid. So if we stop buying they either drop the price or go out of business.

  • @donaldhess6129
    @donaldhess6129 5 дней назад

    Buy now no way prices are still to high they need to come down a lot , I sent offers to dozens of dealers on bmw x3xdrive 30i a few thousand less than the list for no one wants to deal an a lot of these things are forsale for months , example I just sent an offer on a used 2024 with 8,000 miles on it I sent them 42,000 out the door an it's no I get that on all that I send offers to an some have bin sitting for 5 an 6 months you would think they would want to move this inventory i"am not trying to buy one for nothing for me 42,000 is a lot it will drain me , but dealerships are filthy rich an need to move stuff if they have so many forsale if they have someone wanting to by like I said 42,000 isn't nothing to sneeze at that's a lot of green to the buyer but nit to a rich dealership I think they all suck

  • @adcolt54
    @adcolt54 5 дней назад +7

    In 2017, bought a 2014 Passat SE for $15k. In late 2022, Carmax offered $15k to buy it. The dealer where I bought it offered $12k. Today got a letter from the dealer asking to buy my car for huge amount of $4k.

  • @colinokeeffe321
    @colinokeeffe321 5 дней назад +6

    Id be scared take advice from you how much money have you lost again lately lol. Its only time to buy before tariffs hit the auto industry.. both sides up your on same coast just north and south

    • @SomeUserNameBlahBlah
      @SomeUserNameBlahBlah 5 дней назад +1

      Not to mention it's tax return season, which is when dealers sell the most.

  • @hubertdeyette5070
    @hubertdeyette5070 5 дней назад +4

    March 14 at the car auction in upstate New York the prices are way to high

  • @JeffXram
    @JeffXram 5 дней назад +5

    We (I) miss Papa Al. Next time you're in NH we'd love to see him have some good screen time with you. Just a thought. :)

  • @JimBranch-n8s
    @JimBranch-n8s 5 дней назад

    0% intrest rates! Where?

    • @jeffhobbs1729
      @jeffhobbs1729 5 дней назад

      over priced new stuff certain amount down no interest Mazda for one

  • @kirkhilles523
    @kirkhilles523 5 дней назад

    Nope. Sure, it's better than it WAS and certainly better than during the pandemic, but we're not at the bottom yet. MSRP has skyrocketed over the past few years. Just Google the MSRP of a model by year. They went from $20k to $17k during the pandemic and now are at $25k. That's just base models. Upper models are just way unaffordable. Despite the Tariffs, inexpensive Chinese EVs are coming and will be like Toyota/Honda who came in the US in the late 70s as well as Korean companies in the 80s/90s. You are going to pay a huge depreciation hit 5 years from now. Guaranteed.

  • @eunachooo
    @eunachooo 5 дней назад +3

    Craig please stop with the commercials. Your channel is the only one that asks for a 30 second commercials when I open the video. Your already doing bad as is.

  • @liberty0758
    @liberty0758 5 дней назад +13

    Of course someone desperate to sell his unsellable, unreliable shitboxes will tell you it's time to buy.

  • @existinginaspace8347
    @existinginaspace8347 5 дней назад +1

    The market is still not crashing hard enough for me to be able to afford anything that I actually want.
    And prices for old stuff from the '90s, which is pre-emissions where I live. Are through the roof and not dropping.

    • @last9up
      @last9up 5 дней назад +2

      I think this is what some people don't understand. It's not a customer boycott. People just can't afford cars, homes, food. If prices went up gradually or some things and not all then people would still be buying. People are tapped out. People can't buy.

  • @eriknelson45
    @eriknelson45 5 дней назад +1

    Worth 15 less and anyone can go to Arizona and buy 2 original HVs for 16-17k today at multiple surplus yards, truck models start at 6.5k

  • @SomeUserNameBlahBlah
    @SomeUserNameBlahBlah 5 дней назад +25

    Now is a dumb time to buy! Tax season hasn't ended, dealers raise prices during tax return season. Used dealers sold out because of tax season, which means they are restocking with limited supply. This creates higher prices. This channel is definitely a dealer, lol. Want to get a good deal? Wait until the end of summer.

    • @brokeduece1691
      @brokeduece1691 5 дней назад +2

      Tell that to my 93' Toyota Supra😅

    • @83wasagoodyear
      @83wasagoodyear 5 дней назад

      It's clear as day he's a dealer. 🤦🏾‍♂️ buffoon

    • @Jay-n8e4w
      @Jay-n8e4w 4 дня назад

      Now isn’t a bad time at all IF the dealer still has 2024 new models that they are trying to get rid of. 2025 models will still probably be at msrp or higher.

  • @coletrick8748
    @coletrick8748 2 дня назад

    You’ve said the market crashed 10 times already in 10 different videos. It will crash again next video lol

  • @tgamirov
    @tgamirov 4 дня назад

    You have 10 cars on your website. Are you exiting the business?

  • @DestroyerVette02
    @DestroyerVette02 5 дней назад +5

    Florida car auctions are super competitive as you now know. This is a dead end business unless you are very keen. You are not and never will be. Repeat this “ would you like fries with that”?

    • @VinnyTheChin11
      @VinnyTheChin11 5 дней назад

      Unless you own a dealer but if you dont just dont talk or ill slap you silly

    • @last9up
      @last9up 5 дней назад +1

      Damn this is brutal 😂

    • @VinnyTheChin11
      @VinnyTheChin11 5 дней назад

      Tell us more how you serve them fries boyyyyyy

    • @shbk7338
      @shbk7338 3 дня назад

      Gyaat damn, thats brutal😂😂

  • @bobmanzi7712
    @bobmanzi7712 5 дней назад

    Great stuff thanks

  • @garyduquette1784
    @garyduquette1784 5 дней назад +3

    Why when someone doesn’t agree with Craig your classified as a hater? I don’t hate anyone! I might not agree with some of Craig’s business thoughts but I don’t hate Craig. I will say that in one of his last videos when he was having a mental breakdown and he flipped the HATERS off that it was a childish thing to do. And I really do think that after watching Craig for a long time that he is one of the last people I would ever listen to about buying a car.

  • @kbrown1350
    @kbrown1350 5 дней назад +2

    Best was to buy a car for a great deal is to listen to Craig, and do the opposite.

    • @Foxy77-v2f
      @Foxy77-v2f 4 дня назад

      That's so funny,I was thinking the same thing😂