Hey Guys!
Now it's a complete season I decided to start this wonder and well I could not be happier with that!This game is really something, but it's needless to repeat all the good things written by far in this huge topic. My oppinion: it is kind of a Game of Thrones (just the good seasons) level stuff in adult games!
DPC has really good writing skills and the only real issue I had is what seems like the problem for most: Josy-Maya storyline. I understand the writers concept, but it's far more unrealistic for me, than everything else in this game. Winning forgivenes and even redemption from all the stuff the two girls done to each other would be far enough for a much darker take on their relationship alone, not counting in MC... and adding MC to the picture it takes even more darker for me. I know love itself is not a rational thing, but there are too many scars, deep wounds between the two girls and considering their young age it just would not work this way in my oppinion.
Lies, betrayal are never easy to get by and doubt wil always be in the back of one's mind I think. And that is why I do not think MC was written wrong with the "crying like a bitch" (yeah, I love Godsmack) attitude. He put emotional effort and trust, honesty into the relationships with those two and at a young age with a background like that it could be heart breaking to face not one, but two person's betrayal. Although I agree there would have to be an option to completely ignore them (even if I made saves for both paths just out of curiousity). I think it would be a thrill and a satisfying thing to watch them getting pushed down the rabbit hole by Quinn, turned inside out just to work in her "fast food delivery". They deserve the use and abuse stuff after their deeds. Just as MC deserved this to happen after fooling around with both of them. Another point I'm not completely happy with: you are somewhat pushed not to ignore them and I'd be happier if I could decide from the start I only want to be buddies with them at maximum, or friendship with Maya (without any platonic stuff). When Josy arrives he would leave Maya's room out of respect to their intimacy and ther could have been still the three way decision path which is in the game now. Just cut the unecessary drama and focus on other girls.
So at the end I have to announce my application into the Racoon wifey army!

Btw. also liked Jade's storyline and I could not help but listen Simon&Garfunkel's Mrs. Robinson during scenes with her

I play this games muted on my laptop and listen my own stuff on my better sounding stuff isntead of that boxy sound my laptop have. And another good suggestion for the ep4. if you play like me with music: KoRn is quite a way to go, especially Freak on a leash, Did my time for the M&J drama, A.D.I.D.A.S. for the sex scenes!