Turned out great!! So easy and everyone loved them. Followed brown sugar and vanilla tips and added dark chocolate M&M's to a few. Will try with more mix-ins even though they don't need them!
Yum yum! So creamy and delicious and so easy! I used the 3 egg whites to make meringue for the topping instead of whipped topping. Whipped em up with 1/4 t. cornstarch, and added 3/4 c. Confectionate sugar. Let it get toasty & brwon under the broiler for a couple of minutes - watch it close! I agree that it is better after it sits in the fridge for a couple of hours!
These are amazing! I love that it uses a cookie mix - so easy. I used a different filling: 1 stick butter, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 3 c XX sugar, 2 oz cream cheese. Sandwich, then refrigerate for an amazing treat!
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