• FY2026 Legislative Agenda

    Libraries across the Commonwealth provide critical services to communities

  • Federal Funding Impact

    Federal funding empowers libraries and provides services across the Commonwealth

  • 2025 PJ Drive

    Join the Boston Bruins, Cradles to Crayons®, and Wonderfund to collect new pajamas for kids in need

  • Empowered by Libraries Campaign Toolkit

    Help your patrons share how libraries directly impact your community


Latest activities and updates from the MBLC

February 25, 2025 - Explore Grants Awarded to 18 Libraries

The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) is pleased to announce 18 libraries will receive a combined $93,000 as the FY2025 recipients of Explore Grants. The MBLC uses federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding to provide Explore Grants that improve library services, c...READ MORE

February 10, 2025 - 347 Libraries Certified to Receive Local Aid

Libraries certified in the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners' (MBLC) State Aid to Public Libraries Program receive local aid funding to directly support public library services. For FY2025, 347 municipalities and their libraries are certified in the program and will share $20 million in ...READ MORE

February 07, 2025 - eBook Funding Increases but Access Constrained

The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) recently awarded $1 million in grants to Automated Networks for purchase of eContent for the Library eBook and Audiobook program (LEA). LEA gives Massachusetts residents access to eBooks, audiobooks, and more from 389 participating libraries a...READ MORE

Library Directory

From the MBLC Blog

Collection Development Policies 

Welcome back to our blog series helping libraries strengthen and protect themselves. The last post talked about policy in general. This and the next several posts will be offering recommendations for specific policies that, if you haven’t updated them within the last 2 years, you should be prioritizing their review.  What makes a strong collection … Continue reading Collection Development Policies 

Libraries in the News

Prime Focus: US libraries on the frontlines of homelessness

ABC News’ Jaclyn Lee reports on libraries being on the frontlines of the increasing homelessness crisis across the U.S. and how librarians are learning techniques to help.Watch this amazing news story

Art to reflect the community: Forbes Library uses anonymous donation to purchase a range of BIPOC art

A couple years ago, Forbes Library received a $10,000 donation from a donor who wanted to remain anonymous but also wanted the money used for a very specific purpose: to broaden the Northampton library’s permanent art collection.The library donor — the person lives in the area, according to Downing — told Forbes officials that the … Continue reading Art to reflect the community: Forbes Library uses anonymous donation to purchase a range of BIPOC art

You can now check out an all-terrain wheelchair at the Bushnell-Sage Library in Sheffield

SHEFFIELD — For those who can’t go into the woods without help, Sheffield has a solution.With a state grant, the town bought a “GRIT Freedom Chair” that can be borrowed from the Bushnell-Sage Library’s “Library of Things” by those from any city or town with a CW Mars system library card. Read more from Berkshire Eagle