Awesome quality, especially at the intro. Heehee. Hylia sounds like Hialeah. LOL Hialeah is a poor city in South Florida over taken by Cubans. LOL Anyways great funny movie. Keep it up.
Awesome quality, especially at the intro. Heehee. Hylia sounds like Hialeah. LOL Hialeah is a poor city in South Florida over taken by Cubans. LOL Anyways great funny movie. Keep it up.
Oh yeah!
The cock joke! HAHAHAHA
Also how do we get the last medal?
Wow its been 2 years since the last one, glad you still make the I was afrad that you quit :( Please keep it up there so funny :)
It was uploaded a year earlier on youtube. the episode's easter eggs and ending credits animation were not ready at the time due to several issues and I had no choice but to rush the upload due to fan request.
I am currently working on ep.10
I like it!