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A fanfic of LupiArts comic playing in its own universe of horned dogs.
It is Valentine´s day. Love is in the air as our pair of Shiba Inus Ikoma and Delihlah go to the towns annual Valentine´s Fair.
“Finally, some time for us again, I´m excited!” Delihlah exclaims.
“I hope the babysitter won´t be overwhelmed by the kids.” Ikoma mentions with a slight worry in his voice.
“They´ll be fine, trust me.”
“I hope you are right.”
“Hey, look it´s a ball throwing stall, let me win you something, dear.” Ikoma gestures towards the stall.
“Oh; that sounds like fun!” She follows him excitedly.
As they get to the stall a young German Shepherd greets them from behind the counter. “Hello there, are you here to win something for your beloved sir?”
“Yes, I am!” Ikoma responds, excited to show of his skills and get Delihlah a nice present.
He pays for three throws, if he can knock down all 3 stacks of plastic cups, he can get Delihlah a nice earring with a heart motif.
“Watch me dear.” He notions to her with a smile.
The first throw easily knocks down the first stack of cups, sending them all crashing down to the floor.
The second throw knocks the next stack down just as easily.
“Only one more throw and you will get the prize, sir.” The Shepherd remarks
Ikoma throws the third ball, sending it flying towards the final stack of cups but before it collides with the cups it starts levitating mid-air.
“Iko-chan!” sounds a voice from behind Ikoma that he very much recognizes.
He turns around, hoping it´s not who he thinks it is but to his dismay he is right on the money.
“Hey Haruka.” He greets the Alaskan Klee Kai with a sigh.
It´s not like he dislikes Haruka, in fact they are great friends but Ikoma sometimes doesn´t have the energy to deal with his antics.
“How are you doing, Iko-chan?” Haruka moves closer to Ikoma rubbing their cheek against his, levitating his glasses to give Ikoma a seducing look.
“I´m... uh... I´m good, Haruka. Delihlah and I are here to enjoy Valentine´s day together.” He says with a slight shake in his voice, clearly getting a bit nervous.
“Oh Delihlah, dear how have you been?” Haruka immediately moves over to her ,giving Ikoma a moment to breathe.
“Oh I´m doing well Haruka. I´ve seen your recent movie you did wonderful! I couldn´t keep my eyes away from the screen watching it as per usual.”
“I expect nothing less of my second biggest fan.” Haruka struts towards Ikoma again, snuggling up to his side.
“Of course, Iko-chan is still my number one fan.” He says with a sly smile.
“Haha is that so, Haruka” Delihlah responds amused, being used to Haruka´s antics and honestly enjoying seeing Ikoma get flustered quite a bit.
“Anyways Haruka. I was about to win a nice Earring for my dear before you stopped me.”
“Oh, apologies I just wanted to tease you a bit.” Haruka stops the levitation on the ball letting it crash into the stack of cups.
“Well usually we don´t allow for the use of magic in our stall but we shall make an exception this time since it was to delay your win.” The shepherd chimes in, picking up the prize to hand it to Delihlah.
“Thank you, a lot, sir.” She accepts the earring and proceeds to clip it to her left ear.
“How does it look, love?”
“It looks gre... ““Absolutely dashing Delihlah, my dear. It perfectly fits your style!” Haruka chimes in before Ikoma can even say anything.
“Haha thanks you two.” She chuckles, enjoying what is happening.
“Well, it was nice meeting you again Haruka, but the two of us still have lots of the fair to check out on our date.”
“Why won´t we let Haruka tag along for a bit, dear? You haven´t seen each other in so long.”
“Oh I would love that Delihlah my dear, what do you think Iko-chan?”
Well, there goes Ikoma´s chance to escape Haruka´s antics.
“I guess you can tag along for a bit Haruka.” He says with a slightly forced smile, already dreading what else awaits him today.
“Amazing Iko-chan. Let´s go I know of an amazing food stall we can check out!” Haruka starts leading the way.
They approach a Takoyaki stall, it´s sign adorned with an octopus forming a heart with its tentacles.
“These guys make the cutest Takoyaki, I saw them earlier and knowing my Iko-chan, I´m sure he will be enjoying these.” Haruka moves close to Ikoma again snuggling up to his side, leaving him quite flustered again.
“Um... Thank you for the suggestion, Haruka.” Ikoma tries to shrug off Haruka moving closer to the counter.
A purple furred Shiba Inu greets him. “Hello sir, welcome to lovey dovey Tako-Stall, the best Takoyaki for couples on the Valentine´s fair!”
“Hello sir, I would like some servings of Takoyaki for me and my Love.”
“That means me, right my dear Iko-chan?” Haruka snuggles up to him again, making Ikoma sweat a bit.
Delihlah while enjoying seeing Ikoma get as flustered as he is, chimes in. “I´m sorry my dear Haruka but he means me this time. However I´m sure he wouldn´t mind getting you some as well since he is your biggest fan. Am I right sweetheart?” She adds with a giggle.
“I guess.” Ikoma says with an exhausted sigh. “3 Servings of Takoyaki for us please.”
“Coming up right away, Sir!”
The cook prepares their Takoyaki after Ikoma pays him.
The three of them move over to a small table nearby the stall, waiting for their order.
“Thank you my dear, Iko-chan.” Haruka muses clearly enjoying the situation a lot.
“So how come you are here, Haruka?” Delihlah asks.
“Oh well I had an acting gig nearby and thought to check out this lovely fair. Who would have guessed I would run into my two biggest fans.” Haruka muses with a wink towards Ikoma.
“Yeah... what a surprise Haha. Oh, look our food.” Ikoma tries to derail the conversation again, Haruka´s flirty nature surely getting to him.
Their Takoyaki come levitating in due to the cook’s magic, landing perfectly in front of them on the table.
All of them formed in the shape of hearts instead of the usual ball shape.
“Well as they say, Itadakimasu!” Ikoma declares.
Before he can start eating though, he notices one of the Takoyaki flying up towards him. Immediately he looks over to Haruka. “Here let me help you my dear Iko-chan.” Haruka says with a flirty smile, still not done teasing the poor Shiba Inu.
“Uhm... Thanks but I can eat on my own Haruka.”
“Aw come one darling this is kind of cute and fun.” Delihlah notes with a giggle, enjoying the teasing her husband is going through.
Admitting defeat, Ikoma reluctantly eats the Takoyaki flying towards him, eliciting another giggle from Delihlah.
“Here my dear open wide for the next one.” Haruka continues levitating the Takoyaki towards Ikoma one by one until there are none left, Delihlah in the meantime finished her serving.
Haruka also finishes his serving of Takoyaki, and they move onward through the fair.
“These Takoyaki were really good Haruka, very good suggestion.”
“Thank you Delihlah. I knew you would enjoy them and I´m sure my sweet Iko-chan enjoyed them a lot as well.”
“They did taste nice.” Ikoma says with a blush.
“Well this is where I will be on my way, got to move on to my next gig.” Haruka says.
“Aw what a shame. It was nice meeting you again Haruka.” Delihlah says.
“Yeah I will miss my dear Iko-chan even more after this fun day.” Haruka moves closer to Ikoma´s Face again, giving him another flirty looks whilst levitating his glasses.
“It was fun seeing you again, Haruka. I´m happy you are doing well.” Ikoma says with an awkward smile.
Despite all the teasing Haruka puts Ikoma through, he genuinely enjoys his company.
Ikoma moves in for a hug, which Haruka immediately reciprocates.
“It was great teasing you again my dear Iko-chan.” Haruka whispers into Ikoma´s ear leaving him quite flustered again.
“Well I will be seeing both of you another time, till we meet again.” Haruka performs a very exaggerated bow in front of them and struts away.
“Well this certainly was a pleasant surprise, don´t you think love?” Delihlah muses.
“Well it was certainly fun seeing Haruka again, but I´m more than happy to go for something quiet now.” He gestures towards the Ferris wheel.
Delihlah nods in agreement and they both decide to ride the Ferris wheel.
At the top Ikoma ponders. “Do you think the babysitter is okay?”
“Oh, sweetie I´m sure she is fine.”
Meanwhile at the Shiba Inus Residence:
The living room is left in quite a chaotic state, seems like the babysitter, a black Labrador lady with white horns, is not as fine as the parents think.
“They could have told me one of their kids could levitate stuff through the air.” They think to themself as they try to catch the things Dodge is throwing through the living room with his powers.
“I hope they come back soon.”

A fanfic of LupiArts comic playing in its own universe of horned dogs.
Valentines Date for Three?
It is Valentine´s day. Love is in the air as our pair of Shiba Inus Ikoma and Delihlah go to the towns annual Valentine´s Fair.
“Finally, some time for us again, I´m excited!” Delihlah exclaims.
“I hope the babysitter won´t be overwhelmed by the kids.” Ikoma mentions with a slight worry in his voice.
“They´ll be fine, trust me.”
“I hope you are right.”
“Hey, look it´s a ball throwing stall, let me win you something, dear.” Ikoma gestures towards the stall.
“Oh; that sounds like fun!” She follows him excitedly.
As they get to the stall a young German Shepherd greets them from behind the counter. “Hello there, are you here to win something for your beloved sir?”
“Yes, I am!” Ikoma responds, excited to show of his skills and get Delihlah a nice present.
He pays for three throws, if he can knock down all 3 stacks of plastic cups, he can get Delihlah a nice earring with a heart motif.
“Watch me dear.” He notions to her with a smile.
The first throw easily knocks down the first stack of cups, sending them all crashing down to the floor.
The second throw knocks the next stack down just as easily.
“Only one more throw and you will get the prize, sir.” The Shepherd remarks
Ikoma throws the third ball, sending it flying towards the final stack of cups but before it collides with the cups it starts levitating mid-air.
“Iko-chan!” sounds a voice from behind Ikoma that he very much recognizes.
He turns around, hoping it´s not who he thinks it is but to his dismay he is right on the money.
“Hey Haruka.” He greets the Alaskan Klee Kai with a sigh.
It´s not like he dislikes Haruka, in fact they are great friends but Ikoma sometimes doesn´t have the energy to deal with his antics.
“How are you doing, Iko-chan?” Haruka moves closer to Ikoma rubbing their cheek against his, levitating his glasses to give Ikoma a seducing look.
“I´m... uh... I´m good, Haruka. Delihlah and I are here to enjoy Valentine´s day together.” He says with a slight shake in his voice, clearly getting a bit nervous.
“Oh Delihlah, dear how have you been?” Haruka immediately moves over to her ,giving Ikoma a moment to breathe.
“Oh I´m doing well Haruka. I´ve seen your recent movie you did wonderful! I couldn´t keep my eyes away from the screen watching it as per usual.”
“I expect nothing less of my second biggest fan.” Haruka struts towards Ikoma again, snuggling up to his side.
“Of course, Iko-chan is still my number one fan.” He says with a sly smile.
“Haha is that so, Haruka” Delihlah responds amused, being used to Haruka´s antics and honestly enjoying seeing Ikoma get flustered quite a bit.
“Anyways Haruka. I was about to win a nice Earring for my dear before you stopped me.”
“Oh, apologies I just wanted to tease you a bit.” Haruka stops the levitation on the ball letting it crash into the stack of cups.
“Well usually we don´t allow for the use of magic in our stall but we shall make an exception this time since it was to delay your win.” The shepherd chimes in, picking up the prize to hand it to Delihlah.
“Thank you, a lot, sir.” She accepts the earring and proceeds to clip it to her left ear.
“How does it look, love?”
“It looks gre... ““Absolutely dashing Delihlah, my dear. It perfectly fits your style!” Haruka chimes in before Ikoma can even say anything.
“Haha thanks you two.” She chuckles, enjoying what is happening.
“Well, it was nice meeting you again Haruka, but the two of us still have lots of the fair to check out on our date.”
“Why won´t we let Haruka tag along for a bit, dear? You haven´t seen each other in so long.”
“Oh I would love that Delihlah my dear, what do you think Iko-chan?”
Well, there goes Ikoma´s chance to escape Haruka´s antics.
“I guess you can tag along for a bit Haruka.” He says with a slightly forced smile, already dreading what else awaits him today.
“Amazing Iko-chan. Let´s go I know of an amazing food stall we can check out!” Haruka starts leading the way.
They approach a Takoyaki stall, it´s sign adorned with an octopus forming a heart with its tentacles.
“These guys make the cutest Takoyaki, I saw them earlier and knowing my Iko-chan, I´m sure he will be enjoying these.” Haruka moves close to Ikoma again snuggling up to his side, leaving him quite flustered again.
“Um... Thank you for the suggestion, Haruka.” Ikoma tries to shrug off Haruka moving closer to the counter.
A purple furred Shiba Inu greets him. “Hello sir, welcome to lovey dovey Tako-Stall, the best Takoyaki for couples on the Valentine´s fair!”
“Hello sir, I would like some servings of Takoyaki for me and my Love.”
“That means me, right my dear Iko-chan?” Haruka snuggles up to him again, making Ikoma sweat a bit.
Delihlah while enjoying seeing Ikoma get as flustered as he is, chimes in. “I´m sorry my dear Haruka but he means me this time. However I´m sure he wouldn´t mind getting you some as well since he is your biggest fan. Am I right sweetheart?” She adds with a giggle.
“I guess.” Ikoma says with an exhausted sigh. “3 Servings of Takoyaki for us please.”
“Coming up right away, Sir!”
The cook prepares their Takoyaki after Ikoma pays him.
The three of them move over to a small table nearby the stall, waiting for their order.
“Thank you my dear, Iko-chan.” Haruka muses clearly enjoying the situation a lot.
“So how come you are here, Haruka?” Delihlah asks.
“Oh well I had an acting gig nearby and thought to check out this lovely fair. Who would have guessed I would run into my two biggest fans.” Haruka muses with a wink towards Ikoma.
“Yeah... what a surprise Haha. Oh, look our food.” Ikoma tries to derail the conversation again, Haruka´s flirty nature surely getting to him.
Their Takoyaki come levitating in due to the cook’s magic, landing perfectly in front of them on the table.
All of them formed in the shape of hearts instead of the usual ball shape.
“Well as they say, Itadakimasu!” Ikoma declares.
Before he can start eating though, he notices one of the Takoyaki flying up towards him. Immediately he looks over to Haruka. “Here let me help you my dear Iko-chan.” Haruka says with a flirty smile, still not done teasing the poor Shiba Inu.
“Uhm... Thanks but I can eat on my own Haruka.”
“Aw come one darling this is kind of cute and fun.” Delihlah notes with a giggle, enjoying the teasing her husband is going through.
Admitting defeat, Ikoma reluctantly eats the Takoyaki flying towards him, eliciting another giggle from Delihlah.
“Here my dear open wide for the next one.” Haruka continues levitating the Takoyaki towards Ikoma one by one until there are none left, Delihlah in the meantime finished her serving.
Haruka also finishes his serving of Takoyaki, and they move onward through the fair.
“These Takoyaki were really good Haruka, very good suggestion.”
“Thank you Delihlah. I knew you would enjoy them and I´m sure my sweet Iko-chan enjoyed them a lot as well.”
“They did taste nice.” Ikoma says with a blush.
“Well this is where I will be on my way, got to move on to my next gig.” Haruka says.
“Aw what a shame. It was nice meeting you again Haruka.” Delihlah says.
“Yeah I will miss my dear Iko-chan even more after this fun day.” Haruka moves closer to Ikoma´s Face again, giving him another flirty looks whilst levitating his glasses.
“It was fun seeing you again, Haruka. I´m happy you are doing well.” Ikoma says with an awkward smile.
Despite all the teasing Haruka puts Ikoma through, he genuinely enjoys his company.
Ikoma moves in for a hug, which Haruka immediately reciprocates.
“It was great teasing you again my dear Iko-chan.” Haruka whispers into Ikoma´s ear leaving him quite flustered again.
“Well I will be seeing both of you another time, till we meet again.” Haruka performs a very exaggerated bow in front of them and struts away.
“Well this certainly was a pleasant surprise, don´t you think love?” Delihlah muses.
“Well it was certainly fun seeing Haruka again, but I´m more than happy to go for something quiet now.” He gestures towards the Ferris wheel.
Delihlah nods in agreement and they both decide to ride the Ferris wheel.
At the top Ikoma ponders. “Do you think the babysitter is okay?”
“Oh, sweetie I´m sure she is fine.”
Meanwhile at the Shiba Inus Residence:
The living room is left in quite a chaotic state, seems like the babysitter, a black Labrador lady with white horns, is not as fine as the parents think.
“They could have told me one of their kids could levitate stuff through the air.” They think to themself as they try to catch the things Dodge is throwing through the living room with his powers.
“I hope they come back soon.”
Category Story / Fanart
Species Dog (Other)
Gender Multiple characters
Size 120 x 87px
File Size 63.2 kB