Are black men really bigger?

The content won’t “go completely over the heads” of people in this thread. The content of the book has nothing to do with answering the question of this thread. Of course the content of the book is speaking historical truths, but Black men beings fetishized and demonized doesn’t NOT negate the genetic differences between races. We are hated BECAUSE of our genetics, not necessarily in spite of them.

You can write a book about blonde women being fetishized and stereotyped, but that doesn’t mean that those women don’t, in fact, have blonde hair.

Black people are stereotypes as being fast runners. Ok, no, we are not ALL fast runners, but Black athletes dominate sprint Olympics and win the vast majority of the time. The Nazis especially HATED is for this!
Indeed there are tons of studies out there regarding all the various kinds of descrimination while seeking a job, while seeking employment, while walking through a neighborhood, while seeking a home loan, while doing virtually anything. But none on penis size inflation. It's pretty much a made up issue. Does it happen? I'm sure. Is it statistically insignificant? I'm sure of that as well.

Indeed there are tons of studies out there regarding all the various kinds of descrimination while seeking a job, while seeking employment, while walking through a neighborhood, while seeking a home loan, while doing virtually anything. But none on penis size inflation. It's pretty much a made up issue. Does it happen? I'm sure. Is it statistically insignificant? I'm sure of that as well.
And also not specifically black people only. But that is a whole other topic not to discuss here. As this is purely about the question:

Are Black Men Really Bigger?​

Ok so I am assuming all the nude beach guys you saw were soft or flacid. Now I have also heard this "rumor" that black men are bigger soft than other races and when they get hard they just get hard and really don't grow much more. You know most are showers.
My wife had an old BF (black) who was 9 inches totally soft...but his dick never got much longer when he was erect, but it DID get thicker. I also had some school friends who were 8-10 inches, but were growers...there were some white guys who were large, but none to the extent of the black guys.
You're trying to police the thread now? I wasn't aware of your transition to thread moderator.
No, I am not. I am sorry I made the impression I did. Please continue talking about discrimination, as apparently that is what this is about. Everybody that suggests it might not be true is discriminating.

Sorry for my stupidity. Must be because I am white.

Wait! Here’s the original question. Maybe that helps for my understanding
So we have all heard and grew up with the phrase "black men have bigger cocks." My question is this are they actually genetically bigger or are the hung ones the only ones with enough guts and fortitude to share their cock because the average and smaller guys are way too ashamed, embarrassed, or something other than that because of the black men are bigger phrase.

Theories, thoughts... anyone?
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Please continue talking about discrimination, as apparently that is what this is about. Everybody that suggests it might not be true is discriminating.

Sorry for my stupidity. Must be because I am white.

Wait! Here’s the original question. Maybe that helps for my understanding

This whole site is filled with posts were other posters don't feel it is inline with the OP. What most adults do is simply move on. What is it you hope to gain? Moderating is a job and maybe you do have time on your hands for another job.
This whole site is filled with posts were other posters don't feel it is inline with the OP. What most adults do is simply move on. What is it you hope to gain? Moderating is a job and maybe you do have time on your hands for another job.
Guess this is going to be my last reply to you. Depending on the mood and time.

In my book what most adults do is get back to the topic. No need for excuses or whatever. Just realizing “yeah, he might be right this is not the topic here”. But guess you are going on until moderator or someone with a certain status tells you to stop. So I am not that guy, and not intending to be. I am that guy that tries to solve things by using common sense. Unfortunately that is waisted here. I should have known when you started “who are you to tell me what to do” in the first place
Sooooo, back on topic. From my experience as I previously said black men are bigger. And it’s a lot bigger than me (6.5 to 6.7). My wife has fucked two black guys (besides myself I’m mixed) and they were both 9+. I missed out on that length in my black genes. Got the girth to split ya but I ain’t getting deep
Sooooo, back on topic. From my experience as I previously said black men are bigger. And it’s a lot bigger than me (6.5 to 6.7). My wife has fucked two black guys (besides myself I’m mixed) and they were both 9+. I missed out on that length in my black genes. Got the girth to split ya but I ain’t getting deep
A dose of Julio Gomez will set ya right straight.
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Yes they are. Durex long had different standard condom sizes for Asia (S), Europe (M) and Africa (L).
That is as valid as telling speed limits in ‘name country’ are 200 mph as they make cars that fast
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The fascination with the black male penis is boundless. The same can't be said for other groups. Quite amusing. We even have our own acronym...BBC.
What's also funny is the big black dick thing wasn't even started by blacks but by whites. In most black countries they are oblivious to the stereotype as I'm sure in Asian countries they are oblivious to their stereotype.
So we have all heard and grew up with the phrase "black men have bigger cocks." My question is this are they actually genetically bigger or are the hung ones the only ones with enough guts and fortitude to share their cock because the average and smaller guys are way too ashamed, embarrassed, or something other than that because of the black men are bigger phrase.

Theories, thoughts... anyone?
I used to work out at a gym for many years with a significant percentage of blacks men and based on what I saw in the locker room black guys and white were a similar size. That's not conclusive since maybe blacks are more likely to be growers and I was only basing it on flaccid cocks.

What I can say is that in several decades I only saw maybe a handful or less or true outliers, almost every single guy was in what I would consider the average range. The biggest flaccid dick I ever saw was a black guy and he was by far the biggest I ever saw. I also suspect that although it was pointing down, it wasn't entirely flaccid and given that he seemed to be doing an inordinate amount of standing around naked I assume he was showing off. In whatever state he was in, his dick was clearly bigger than my hard on so he certainly was impressive.
The data behind whether "black men [are] really bigger" is shakey.

There are websites such as the one below that have listed average erect length by country, which one could use to generalise by race, but one shouldn't, and I'll explain why later.

Average penis size by country: worldwide comparison

For example, in a country like Cameroon (which has a demographic profile of almost entirely Sub-Saharan African), you could theoretically use it as an example for black men and compare it to Korea (where the demographic profile is almost entirely ethic Korean) and so on and so forth, and say that by comparison, "black men [are] really bigger".

In fact, in this list, of the top 20 countries listed, 10 are have demographics where the majority are black.

However, to use this to draw a conclusion on the question at hand would be problematic. We don't know the source of this data, the number of participants, whether or not they self-reported their size, if they were classed by country of brith or by current nationality, or any other factor that would allow us to say with statistical certainty that it represents anything, not actual national averages and definitely not racial averages.

And in fact, there are numerous other studies that show that there is very little variability between average length and race.

Herbenick et al. for example, measured a variety of people in the US from different ethic backgrounds and race and found statistical differences in length on average of only 1 cm.

There was another study in Brazil where participants had to self identify as black or white and they were subsequently measured, instead of asked to self report length, and the researches found a difference in length, but it only amounted to just over 1cm. Anthropometric study of penile length in self-declared Brazilians regarding the color of the skin as white or black: The study of a Myth

It's difficult to say whether or not black men have larger penises on average, so we rely on anecdotal and self-observed 'evidence'. Also, there is the problem of bias, where we are subconsciously fed that black men are larger, and this is true in porn specifically. Is this a representation of reality? Probably not, but maybe.

In the end it's hard to say whether its true definitively as a very large scale study would need to be done, something I don't see ever happening, as the funding would need to be quite large, and let's face it, no one really cares enough to throw that much money at this question.